Hello - I have what I *think* is a cyst on what I believe is my labia. It's not abnormally colored, but it's definitely not supposed to be there. It's up near the "top", not where I've seen most images of bartholin cysts being located.

Anyway - being the HA person that I am, I've been up and down, reassuring myself that it's fine, and then going back to I'm in trouble. I've had it for about a week. It doesn't feel bigger, really, but does feel more noticeable in that it feels more rounded and 'taller' as opposed to flatter against the skin.

I'm 20 years old and not sexually active at all, so it's not an STD. Periods and all that are normal. I have never seen a gynecologist because my doctor told my mother and I that it's not really necessary until I'm about 21+ and/or are sexually active.

I could tell my mother, but I'm a mess at times and sometimes she worries as well. I don't want to be too casual about needing an appointment, as I don't want her to think that I'm sleeping around. I'm in college and *could* visit the campus doctor, as I understand it's free unless they need to schedule any additional tests. However, I've never done anything like this before on my own and I don't want it to become something serious and I then have to explain the situation.

Any advice? Anyone ever experience the same thing?