Hi all,

In short, I was recently told that I have an abnormal tracing for my age.. and the nurse told me it could just be/or probably is a 'normal variant'
When I did the stress ECG yesterday she said it had a pseudonormalization whilst exercising i.e it looked 'normal' during exercise. I only managed 3 minutes until I had to tell her to stop, by the way!
I've had problems with palps and fatigue and various other symptoms for years, and about 3/4 years ago I was tested and then put through for 24hr monitor and echo, and apparently all was fine, I was never told I had an 'abnormal' ECG.

I'm 25, and don't understand why I would have this now and not back then. I do suffer more with fatigue now than ever and at the minute I never feel 'right'.

I stupidly Dr Googled, and I read about myocarditis infection and just kinda scared myself as I've been feeling so ill the last month! Anyone got any words of advice for me!?!
Do you think the ECG could have had the abnormality years ago and they just didn't think it was anything to worry about?

Thanks for any response, realise this was lengthy!