I work for a TV company in London and we’re currently producing a documentary about the science of fear; details of the project are attached below. We are looking to interview an individual with a serious phobia and though this might be something you could help with. It may just be a case of posting a message in one of your forums but I just thought I’d check with you first as to whether this would be okay.

The Anatomy of Fear - A 60 minute documentary for the Audi Channel:

The bulk of the show has already been filmed on location in Dubai where two celebrity subjects were put-through a series of challenges designed to test the science of fear. We attempted to illustrate how fear affects us physically and mentally through detailed analysis by our resident psychologist Dr. David Lewis (D.Phil., BSc (Hons). FINSTD, FINSMA), an eminent Cognitive Neuropsychologist. For the duration of our experiments, Dr Lewis monitored our subjects using state-of-the-art equipment which fed us constant information about how their brains and bodies were reacting.

In order to better understand different types of fear we would like to meet an individual who has a specific phobia in an attempt to explore how this affects them on a day-to-day basis. We are particularly looking for someone who has an unusual phobia; for example catoptrophopia (fear of mirrors) or syngenesophobia (fear of relatives) to list a couple from my research. This will be in the form of a short interview with Dr. Lewis that will be designed to help the viewer understand how fear manifests itself in different individuals. It’s important to emphasise that that from the outset we have been treating this programme as a scientific study and we do not wish to exploit, trivialise or make fun of anyone in relation to their phobia.

There will be a minimal crew present (3 persons max.) and it should take no longer than an hour. We would like to do this at some point next week at the convenience of any interested parties and will be happy to travel wherever necessary in the South-East to make it happen. My apologies again for the short notice!

I can be contacted at any time on 07932665978 should you have any further questions; please do not hesitate to contact me if necessary

Many thanks in advance for your help; I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Ian Colley
Associate Producer
North One Television for The Audi Channel
