
So I have OCD thoughts. My worst are the harm ones especially the sexual misconduct child ruminations. I have suffered these for 7 years now. I don't want to go into any detail on them because it doesn't help but lets just say they got much worse over the course over the 7 years. Anyway every so often I find that I will verbally abuse myself with words. I have low self confidence and when I am feeling very upset with myself or angry with myself I will call myself something like " abuser" or something along those lines which is ridiculous as I have never hurt anyone like that or like anything really.

I will read a book and it will be talking about love, it will say something about unbridled love and passion for someone and I will think "what if I have that for children". That's just an example. So I guess what I am asking is do your thoughts seep into all areas of your life? I like to read and I like taking my mind off and being drawn into another world and its crap that now it can affect that but I wont give up reading. I already give up stuff for it so I wont do that. Does anyone else find that it niggles its way into each different area of your life?

There are times when I know that the thoughts are just OCD, I have logic sometimes. I can see that there is a difference from who I am and the thoughts and then other times I believe it wholly even though I don't want to believe it and it makes me unhappy. Does anyone else have that?

I would like to hear from fellow OCD sufferers and whether they find that their thoughts and worries come into other parts of their lives and whether you go through periods of believing it and then seeing it for what it is?

Laura xx