I have a phobia of touching my breasts!!
This is due a a huge fear of breast cancer, I struggle touching them, feel sick and panic when I have to - in the shower etc
Its had a detrimental effect on my sex life, I cant do a breast exam, I struggle to look at them
I dont know if its part of it - but they are full of stretch marks too from pregnancy - so I would struggle to spot any visual changes if there were any - maybe this makes i worse
Well yesterday I had a massive freak out and thought Im sick of this - this is the main root of all of my anxieties - and its my last cbt session today!
I forced myself to read about breast cancer yesterday and watch a video of a breast exam - I felt hot, sweaty, sick - all the panic symptoms

Thing is - how on earth do I overcome this - its not something I can talk to people about - its embarassing
