I started having abdominal bloating and went to my gyno for my yearly and just asked him about it. He told me he thought I might have GERD. I never have heartburn. I do have a lot of belching. My stomach isn't that bloated in the morning but later in the day and after eating my upper abdomen bloats up like a balloon. Anyway, he told me to take prilosec and gaviscon everyday for two weeks and then call him back if I wasn't better. Well, what is bothering me now is this "throat thing" I feel like I have a lump in my throat. (I know that's a symptom of anxiety, but I don't think that's what this is) I notice in the morning, I have to clear my throat a lot. I guess there's mucus there but I'm not sure. I have had sinuses draining down the back of my throat before, but I really don't think that's what this is. My throat is not sore, I just feel like something is swollen in there. I have read that GERD can irritate your throat. Has anyone heard of this? I know this will sound strange, but I was looking at the back of my throat in a lighted makeup mirror and if I really stick my tongue out really, really far, I can see a bunch of lumps pop up just for a second, mainly on the left side. I had my tonsils out when I was little, I think this is just the tissue that is way down there that I'm not supposed to see but it is worrying me now. I've been looking at picture of the anatomy of the tongue and there are little bumps that are part of the taste buds but this is behind that on the top side of the base of the tongue. I think that is what I am feeling. Anyway, I'm just all worried now. I guess I will continue with the meds the doctor gave me and if this lumpy feeling doesn't go away, Ill go see a specialist.