Hi all,

So pretty much all of 2011 was the worst year i've ever experienced thanks to anxiety induced panic attacks.

I'm in a band and we travel a heck of a lot, be it in cars/vans/tour buses/trains and planes! I was getting horrific panic attacks while travelling in vans mostly and every journey was an absolute ordeal.

These attacks then spread to everyday life, queueing in shops and working at my other job through to just sitting eating dinner with my girlfriend became a constant battle against having a panic attack.

I got put on the usual anti-anxiety (Mirtazipine & Trazadone) as well as Diazepam for the immediate attacks. While Diazepam did become an 'instant fix' i had a very bad week where i'd take it a few times every day for about 7 days whilst on tour. When i came back i made sure i stopped taking it and the withdraw effects were, as i found out, similar to heroin withdrawal! needless to say i made it my mission to come off that.

My road to recovery took a while but reading on here and advice from my doctor equalled me pretty much stopping the intake of all anxiety heightening things including booze and caffeine. I noticed a huge difference when i cut these out! highly recommended.

Then i knew excercise would be the next thing, i started an intense fitness program called Insanity. It's a 6 day a week high intensity aerobic program that lasts for 60 days. Doing this seemed to put my bodys stress levels back to normal as each excercise was so intense when i was not working out i felt more normal and less anxious!

Finally i introduced a clean diet, no white pasta, bread or potatoes. Substituting for all brown and wholewheat and eating pure and fresh salads and veggies over anything processed. I also started using a super elixir powder called Vitamineral Green which i also attribute to my overall well being.

I could go on and on but don't want to bore you all!

I'm currently panic attack free for over 4 months now and still going strong with my diet, excercise and i've even allowed myself a few drinks here and there. Just never enough to give me a hangover as they are a big cause of anxiety!

If anyone would like anymore info on anything i touched on then feel free to PM me or email me (as i'm not on here much) at carlsylosis@hotmail.com
Unsure if posting email addys is frowned upon so any mods let me know and i'll edit it out.

All the best,

Carl x