Im feeling really down and bad today, maybe its cause i went and had some drinks last night, but ive got a real nauseus feeling today. Will this anxiety leave ever leave me? I am worried im dying and everyday is my last. i fear im gonna just collpase and never wake up. from the moment my head comes off my pillow every morning i fear things and start to feel physical symptoms. Its not right surely to feel lightheaded without somthing terrible being wrong. I fear tumour, blood clots, and brain cancer. i just wanna wake up and be able to say to myself 'one day im gonna feel better' if i feel weak and faint will i collapse with anxiety? or if i tell myself il be ok dya think i will be? everyday i have a heavy feeling in my head like my eyes are struggling to open, the tension is very painful sometimes, again cant this be a tumour?

Please help x