I was wondering what benefits I can get?
I think I'm about to be thrown out because I live with my friend and her mother but I have been on a downward spiral for a long time, I've used to sign on when my anxiety got bad but going to the jobcentre started making me really ill so I stopped and it has been a long time since then and nobody has asked for money for my keep. I have just lazed about feeling ill and sorry for myself, lay in bed all the time an gradually felt worse and worse and now when I do go out I can't sit in cars because they make me panic massively, I can't walk very far because I get breathless and panic and have to rush home.
I literally have not been more than a few blocks distance of my house in the past year.
What money can I get if I can't sign on? Is there money? What can I do?
Please somebody help :/
I feel like everything is getting too much, I haven't even been up very long and I heard them talking about me and how I should be doing this and that and it's made me feel ill and like I want to get back into bed but I know this has to be done I just preferred to ask you guys instead of calling the jobcentre because that also makes me anxious and I'm not feeling too good right now :/
Will I ever go anywhere again :( I was rthinking this a year ago and that was when I was still travelling not far places, now I don't even go there :( x