I know it is a very personal decision but I need a big kick up the bum today

It is the first day of my period, and I am dreading the next few days as recently I have had slightly heavier periods with clots, only small but still enough to worry me.

I went to see my GP last month on day 3 and he was lovely, he said it was nothing to worry about and that I should try transaemic acid. I took it away but as my period then got lighter I thought I would just see how I got on next month.

He didn't seem concerned at all. I mentioned cervical cancer and he shook his head as I have no mid cycle bleeding, bleeding after sex etc... HE said I am always on the ball with my smears. I am due next month and he said as long as I go this year he is happy. He said I don't require any further tests, just sometimes periods change and get heavier. I have had 3 children so it is to be expected.

I went to see him last week regarding a skin infection I had and we discussed my periods again, andI told him I had forgotten to mention just how painful I find ovulation, so it feels like every 2 weeks I am in pain and I dread it. It is an ongoing saga. It really gets me down.

My GP said about going back onto the pill. I took it for 4 months in 2010. I'd had a D&C and was suffering with heavy periods which then developed into a phobia. I since have battled this phobia of bleeding and haemorrage. It is horrible, but I had almost got over it when my last 2 periods decided to contain some clots and be a bit heavier. My GP reassured me clots are nothing at all to worry about but still I have dreaded this period.

He says the pill will lighten my periods and help make my periods regular, as they have been coming a few days earlier than I have ever had before which is annoying, and to stop the ovulation pains I have. My problem is I worry I will just bodge my cycle up even more, I have a worry of taking the pill because of DVT, stroke etc.....

My GP said I don't smoke and am slim, so I have no reason to worry about side effects, but that is me, I do worry I am only 32 so he is happy for me to try it. He said Loestrin 20 is a low dose pill so there is a very minimal risk.

Can anyone give me a positive story about being on the pill or ust kick me up the bum I know I have posted about this before.