
I posted on here a couple of weeks ago, when I started to come off Sertraline having been on it for well over 10 years. I have been taking half a tablet (25mgs) For just over three weeks now, and for the first 2 weeks felt fine, in fact better than fine, really well and on a high if anything. Now though it's a different story. Since Thursday, I have been having terrible anxiety, palpitations, depression and last night almost went into a full blown panic attack for no reason at all - I was just lying in bed and felt like I was going to lose control ( something that I haven't suffered with before) I am now wondering if this is connected to the withdrawal - maybe I'm doing it too fast? Or do I need to go back up to the full dose? If due to withdrawal - will these symptoms go away and when? I would go and see my doctor, but he is on 2 weeks hols, and I don't want to see the guy who's covering for him as he does not know me or my history.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

