Hello Paul,
I am trying what you've suggested and like you say, it is taking alot of effort because even the smallest things feel like too much hassle. I think one of my problems is my confidence. It feels like it's all been sapped out of me and also my energy and self-esteem feel rock bottom too.

I have gardening jobs I need to do once we get some rain but then I know I'm going to have to push myself because everything feels pointless.

I think you maybe right about fearing the slightest thing going wrong and I think that's a sign of my confidence feeling so low. Somehow I need to rebuild it.

As for the dog walking I have come up with an idea regarding someone who looks after dogs so I'll be asking them if I can help out and by doing so help myself so we'll see.

There is a walking group but they are early morning starters so I know I couldn't make it. I'd like to start up an afternoon group but it's that old problem of finding the energy, enthusiasm, etc. That's one aspect where I miss my dog but when I have to go to town I try to take a long way round back for the exercise and fresh air. Like you say, it is good to get out and away from things.

I'm glad you've suggested those ideas because it confirms to me that I'm hopefully doing the right things. The only trouble with ideas is that they sound good in theory but as you say, they can be hardwork to put into practise when you have to push yourself without any personal support but I agree that it's the only way.

Thanks for your help Paul, especially as I know you understand how I'm feeling.