I am desperate for a haircut but I don't know if I dare go! It's not that I fear the hairdressers I just don't like being somewhere where I can't escape and I can't really get up and walk out of the hairdressers with only half a hair cut!

I have an interview at the end of the month which it really needs to be done for so I need to pluck up the courage at some point, plus it's getting in pretty bad condition cos I haven't been in ages. I need my highlights done too which makes the process even longer :(

I started taking citalopram nearly 4 weeks ago and feel like I am improving a bit, I have the ability to go places that I haven't felt able to go in a while but these are all places where I can leave at any time.

Does anyone have any advice on how to get through a hairdressers appointment? I know that I'll sit worrying, feeling twitchy, dizzy, faint and generally panicky....