I know I shouldnt have done it but I have been on Google again. My daughter had a chest infection about a month ago and I was fine with that but has been coughing, bunged up nose, etc since - like all of us actually, we have all had a cold that keeps coming back! I started to worry about her when she said her legs were aching and her back hurt (she had fallen down some steps a few days before and banged her back) but then we noticed on Friday what we thought was an insect bite on her chest. It started at two dark red spots with inflammation around it, it has now dried up but I can see three round marks along with some more on her back and shoulder, she has a bit of a lump in one armpit as well. Looks a bit like Chicken Pox but she had that when she was tiny, I Googled the symptoms and it points to shingles - including the achy legs and node in armpit. Problem is I am now wondering WHY she would have shingles as it says its not common in healthy children - it mentions compromised immune systems and I am now terrified she has something awful.