Several weeks on Amitryptiline began to control my panic. I was doing ok, starting to feel almost normal and eating again after months of living on cigarettes, nervous energy and a minimal amount of food. I lost a stone and a half during the really bad time.

Then my doc changed the medication to trazadone and after two days I feel terrible. Woke up at 4.30 with stomach cramps and had 6 bursts of diarrhoea up to 6am. Tried to go back to sleep but no chance. Now in full panic mode and have to take the dog out then go to work.

So fed up with it, I really thought I'd beaten it and was on the road to recovery just to be knocked back again. I'm going back to Amitryptiline tonight even though they cause me to stammer which is a handicap in itself but can't go on like this. Just hope they kick in again straight away.