Hi, I'm 2 weeks into 20mg Prozac and the last 2 days felt a definite improvement but today I feel worse. Anxiety this morning and just feeling really rough and jittery. When it starts working doesn't it usually continue to get better or can I have bad days and good days. When I've been on meds before (including Prozac) I haven't slipped back and it's worked quicker than this.
I've also been cutting out dairy as I've been told it can help and I think I'm detoxing a bit (spots/greasy hair/headaches). Maybe this is contributing to me feeling rough. Tempted to have a big cheese sandwich and be done with it.
Not helping today because I think I've just inadvertently upset someone at work and that of course has sent me into a tailspin and I'm now feeling wobbly and shaky.
God when will it be over.