Hello again everyone, its me, the guy with the crush.

You lot are so right, i just have to end this torture as soon as possible. It is a normal crush, but my life-long anxiety has got a hold of it and blown it totally out of proportion - its making me feel so mentally unhealthy and insecure. It is the not knowing that is the killer wouldnt you agree?

I will see her in my THS lesson on thursday afternoon when i am in next. Ive decided, im going to chat to her all lesson and make it totally obvious that i'm interested in her, but in a subtle way....... I'm gonna see how she reacts,,,, and then, at the end of the lesson when she rushes off to get her train LIKE SHE ALWAYS DOES, i will follow her out of the door, wait for her to get to the bottom of the stairs and then shout down the following;

"EMMA,,,, i really like you... just tell me, have i got any chance at all?"

Then she's gonna react and well, i'm going to know whether im in luck or not.

What do you all think to that? Does it sound honest and guttsy?

I am scared of being rejected because it will change things every time i see her again...........

But the not knowing is killing me and making me imagine too many possibilites....

Please, tell me i'm doing the right thing?