Mark, glad it helped. I owe a debt of gratitude to others who have helped me. It makes me feel good to know that I may have helped others. That's what I love about this site. It's a great way of bouncing off of others and all pushing each other along in the right direction.

Ray, well done mate. You're right to hang fire on the loetard I think. Give it a few weeks
Just do what you are comfortable with. There's no right amount. Like anything, the more you do it, the more you will gain. In an ideal world I would love to do it every day but find your own happy level.
I think Piglet was right to suggest a DVD as a starting point.
I would suggest that once you are fairly happy with what the moves are you could maybe look at a group?
I go to one on Monday night and it's really chilled. The lady taking it is very into the spiritual side and is really comforting. There's zero pressure to do anything.
I go to others at the gym which are much more "functional" shall we say. They are very into doing lots of poses and don't do much on the spiritual side.
I love the Monday night one and it is quite nice to do it with others if you feel up to it. Going the first time is obviously the most difficult but once you are into the swing, enjoy!!
I remeber when I first started going to that class I was having panic attacks in the relaxation!!! I couldn't seem to lie still without pains in my chest, neck etc. Gradually that went. I think you'll find that some people at the classes may well be going through similar issues.

Well done Ray, I'm so pleased you have made the choice to give it a go. Be patient with it and don't judge yourself. Just enjoy it for what it is.

All the best,