Hi, I'm new to the site.

I've been suffering with anxiety for almost 2 years now...Initially experiencing very deep feelings of unreality (DP)....now it's my health!!

I keep getting weird stabbing / shooting pains in my head that last a few seconds then stop.
Lots of pressure feelings in my head
Dizziness and sometimes head rushes like just before you faint (I have never passed out with these feelings).
Headaches quite frequently.
I've convinced myself that I have a brain tumour (seems quite common after browsing this site) . All my symptoms are common BT ones but my GP says they are also very common anxiety symptoms - I can't seem to rationalize how anxiety causes shooting pains in your head (only on the left or right side of my head) and dizziness (I never hyperventilate either).
Can anyone offer any advice / reassurance?
Thank you x