Jeez, where do I start?!

My partner of 6 and a half years is an alcoholic and although he has periods of recovery, we are going through it bad at the moment. he is on day 3 of a massive bender and I don't even know where he is and lately just to compound the problem more he has been taking coke and ecstacy too lately.

He knows he has a problem and has some other isssues i.e. a sh***y childhood and even sh***ier parents! We're getting married in 3 months and although he's been fantastic with my latest bout of anxiety (which incidently has improved greatly this week but I'll fill you in on that at another time) his problems are getting worse.

And boy, the worst thing is, is that he is an ar*****e when he's drunk so in a way I'm glad he's made himself scarce.

Does anyone else live with someone like this and do they know of any sites with a forum like this one for loved ones of alcoholics because I need some support. I'm about as close as you can get to postponing my wedding in July which I've been planning for a year.

i love this guy to bits and I can't bear to see him do this any more.



P.s. Don't suggest al-anon- been there, done that; FAR too depressing!!