Wow, only just found out there is a citalopram forum on here!

I have been on citralopram for 2.5 years. First I was on 20mg and then about a year after that I moved to 40mg. The thing is I think I now need 60mg.
I feel so fed up, I don't feel like there is any thing in life to look forward to, I consider harming myself but I never would because of my son, I cry at any thing, I'm even crying while I write this. I just want to sleep the day away every day so I don't have to face any thing. Obviously I can't always do this because of my son but if he is with his nan or at school and I'm not at work then you can guarantee I will be asleep.
I would rather be asleep then see my friends. How sad is that? I don't even need the sleep, I just sleep because then I don't have to be awake thinking.
I don't look forward to any thing any more. I went out with a friend tonight thinking maybe it would cheer me up a little but it hasn't. To be honest I didn't feel any excitement about going out at all whereas I did used to.
I'm going to go to the drs in the morning, I have been gradually feeling worse for the past couple of months and now I just feel awful, I feel like I'm stuck in a hole and I can't get out of it!

Any way what I wanted to know was does any one have experience of transferring from 40mg to 60mg of citalopram because I could really use some advice. How did it go? Did any side effects pop up? Thank you in advance.