First, some good news; my boyfriend (fiance!!) proposed a couple of weeks ago I had been waiting for the proposal for a while so it was amazing when it finally did happen! So this should be one of the happiest times of my life, right?

Well, unfortunately I have been troubled by particularly bad spikes these last two weeks. It all seems to have been triggered by financial worries as this was a particularly expensive month, and then we had a family wedding to attend which also was quite stressful as we were involved in the preparation of the big day. My nerves just feel completely frayed at the moment and I am finding it harder than usual to cope.

The obsession that has haunted me these past couple of weeks is the thought that there might be love letters from my fiance's old girlfriends in our flat, and that I might find them and be devestated by the contents. He says he hasn't kept anything of the sort and that he would throw them away if he found any. I believe him when he says this, but the reason for my obsession is purely the fact that my fiance is a bit of a hoarder. When we moved into our flat he got rid of anything ex-girlfriend related that he could find, but I am constantly worried that he overlooked something and that these dreaded letters might be hiding somewhere in our home. I am now in a state of hypervigiliance and find it difficult to relax at home :-(

I am completely aware that my obsession and my anxiety over this issue is not in proportion to anything, and I don't even know for a fact that he even received any love letters from his previous girlfriends! The absurd thing as well is that we have been living together for almost two years, and it is only these past couple of months that I have started obsessing over this.

There have been a couple of times when I have found something ex-girlfriend related, and on those occasions my fiance got rid of it straight away. So why do I keep obsessing over this??

Do any of you know of any techniques to snap our of a hypervigilant state?