I turned 41 in January. I am currently 11weeks pregnant.

It has a been an emotional road getting here and now my anxiety has taken control .

We tried for a year to conceive and were referred to a Fertility Clinic for IVF treatment. We went to the consultations and lectures on the pros and cons

After digesting all the info given at the lectures/consultations we decided not to proceed with treatment because the complications associated with my age were way to scary.

My man left on a scheduled business assignment -he is gone for 2-3 months depending on the work accomplished. So I've been trying to cope while he is on the other side of the world in Australia-he left Feb 29th and I got the call from my GP on March 7th.

Then we find out I am pregnant.

So now I am so scared I can barely function.

I keep having bad dreams and thoughts about all those things discussed at the IVF lectures and I can't stop crying.

My man has been away and I think has been contributing to my anxiety. He won't be back until sometime between May 7th and 14th assuming everything goes well at his work.

I had an appt yesterday with my GP who suggested I get rid of my cat because she is full of germs dangerous to pregnancy.
She said that since I am high risk (age related-I have no other physical health issues) I should get rid of my kitty.

I burst into tears as there is no possible way I could get rid of my kitty she has helped me through the worst times of my life and I love her way too much to send her away.

I also have to go for a ton of tests with various dr.s to make sure everything is proceeding in a healthy manner.
I have such a hard time with dr.s and tests and waiting for results-it is awful !

I am sorry for this long and probably incoherent post-it's just I have no one else to talk to and I tought it might help to vent.

Thank you