Hi there,

Your mind wants you to think you can't go out but actually you can. A visit to your Dad's might be a bit much as I know how hard it is to be sociable when you feel bad so I'm sure a phone call would do just as well. I bet you could get out for some fresh air though. If I sound like I'm nagging, I am. It's just I know how bad you feel and I think you could feel better. Just whatever you do, don't go back to bed as that's the worst thing you can do, however tempting it is.

If you read a bit more of that post I was telling you about (when you get back), you'll see a friend of mine called Petra (petram on here) who started the Venlafaxine at the same time as me. She takes venlalic and it turned her life around. She's now doing things she hadn't done for years and is now looking for a job. She's a real success story. It was a long, rocky road but she got there with support from here. Although I've never been as bad as that (I work full time and never take time off unless I'm in a terrible state - twice in 4 years), I'm also feeling better than I have for years. I'm on a different brand but still extended release.

Let us know how you're doing later.

Take care

Pip x