This was my 4th one in about 8 weeks and each time I fully believed I was dying of a heart attack.

I had one last Sunday, having felt close to normal (or as close as I'd been for weeks) for 5 or 6 days prior to that. Since then I've felt awful the whole time (chest pains, muscle tightness, heartburn, acid reflux etc) but today I had another full blown panic attack.

I say "panic attack" now but I've had a hard time convincing myself that's what they are. I've had multiple ECG's over the last few weeks, blood tests, blood pressure tests etc and half a dozen different doctors have told me my problems are due to anxiety but when I'm gasping for breath, clutching my chest and feeling like I'm about to collapse it's hard to believe that.

I think I realised today that when it gets really bad, it feels like wind trapped inside my chest, or a bubble of air moving from the top of my stomach towards my heart, at which point I gasp for breath and start to really panic.

I've calmed down now and have reassured myself that it's anxiety causing all of this but I still worry about it happening again and there's still that small element of doubt in the back of my mind that the doctors have missed something and I really am about to die of a heart attack.

Guess I'm not even looking for reassurance or anything at this point, just venting, since I was halfway through a "can this really be anxiety?" thread before the panic really kicked in and I had to get away from the computer.

Thanks for reading, anyway.