Hi all,
I've been experiencing severe panic attacks recently and have been feeling extremely flat, barely leaving the house lately.
At times, my battle with anxiety has reduced me to tears and i've felt entirely overwhelmed.

This was largely due, i believe, to a lack of direction.

I've been to the doctors, the hospital, had x rays, scans, blood tests, monitoring. Each of this told me that i'm healthy, and i felt as if i was just labelled with anxiety and pushed aside. I was not given advice on a plan of action to combat it, i was just offered anti depressants and told to relax.

Yesterday however, a close mate of mine recommended that i look at particular website his mother found helpful.

After looking through it, I finally feel as if i have a plan of action. I've educated myself and i now i see a clear path forward.

Here is the link for the website:

I recommend that anyone interested sit down and work through a few of the PDFs and their exercises, they have been the most helpful thing i've looked at in my quest for information and guidance on panic attacks.