I have suffered with anxiety, panic attacks and palpitations now for 10 years, has only got worse over the last 3-4 years. Panic attacks and palpitations I can deal with but the anxiety can ruin day to day life.
I feel comfortable at home and places I am familiar with, friends and familys houses. When I go somewhere like the pub for an evening out with friends I cannot relax all night, I feel anxious, uncomfortable, get palpitations and cant relax and it ruins the night and I go home early.
I have good days and bad days, I can walk up the shop or going shopping but being in a busy place, a pub, shopping center etc I cant deal with it, its on my mind all the time. Anyone else feel like this and how do you deal with it?
I just hate feeling anxious and worrying when I'm trying to enjoy myself. I just cant seem to let go and not think or worry about it.