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Thread: Obsessive swallowing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Obsessive swallowing

    I suffer from OCD/PANIC/PHOBIAS and most recently i cannot stop thinking about the act of swallowing. I believe it stems from my obsession with breathing or the inability to do so.

    The thought I might choke scares me. From this I have developed a habit cough and a spitting 'tic' which means i get through more tissues than the average human! I know its gross and really want to stop, but I can't!

    Swallowing for me has switched from a subconcious act to a VERY concious one! It gets worse when i am stressed.

    I would appriciate any advice on how to get over such an obsession!



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , USA.
    I am also a hyper swallower. I had a panic attack a few months back and my throat totally closed up on me, I have had trouble swallowing ever since! I swallow over and over and over until I have no more saliva and my throat and esophogus are super dry! Once that happens a panic attack is right around the corner. I have to carry vitamin C or Jolly Rancher candies with me to stimulate my salivary glands. I cannot stop thinking about swallowing. I wish I could go back to the days when I just did it, rather than think about it!

    Many people in the "Health Anxiety" section have this same issue. If you get any answers, please let me know?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Well I am the same - still suffering from swallowing issues and no cure - just have to stop thinking about it apparently


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , .
    I get the same thing, only with breathing. It's very annoying.

    It's supposed to be automatic, but I do it consciously. And the more I think about it and the more I try to "control" it, the more messed up it gets. Sometimes I focus on my swallowing and blinking too - all of these being automatic body processes that are supposed to happen without me even noticing. I know for me the breathing thing happens when I'm anxious, that's when I focus on it because I'm afraid that I'm not breathing correctly, that I might choke, suffocate, stop breathing, die, etc. I don't have any advice on how to overcome this, unfortunately. I suppose the way to go would be to let your subconscious mind and your body do their job - which would be to take care of the swallowing, while you focus on other things.

    Take care

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    <b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I get the same thing, only with breathing. It's very annoying.

    It's supposed to be automatic, but I do it consciously. And the more I think about it and the more I try to "control" it, the more messed up it gets. Sometimes I focus on my swallowing and blinking too - all of these being automatic body processes that are supposed to happen without me even noticing. I know for me the breathing thing happens when I'm anxious, that's when I focus on it because I'm afraid that I'm not breathing correctly, that I might choke, suffocate, stop breathing, die, etc. I don't have any advice on how to overcome this, unfortunately. I suppose the way to go would be to let your subconscious mind and your body do their job - which would be to take care of the swallowing, while you focus on other things.

    Take care

    <div align="right">Originally posted by lotus - 17 February 2006 : 12:25:35</div id="right">
    </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
    I have the same problem too! In fact I think my swallowing problem has come out of my obsession with my breathing and choking. It all started when I had a few panic attacks and pretty soon I found myself obsessed with breathing. Thoughts flash through my mind all the time, my breathing is going to stop, I'm going to choke, my lungs are seizing up, etc. I take nearly every breath conciously like I do with the swallowing! Apart from when I'm asleep and my stupid obsessions can't get to me!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , Canada.
    I too am suffering from repetitive swallowing. Oh it is so tiring and I'm just so glad I've found this website where you have talked about this. I have never written on any of these sites before and thought that noone else suffered from this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    i've had this problem since march last yr i can't stop swallowing when it first happened i thought there was something wrong as i never had this before. So the doctor told me it was down to anxiety so my anxeity must of been really bad for me to get it.

    It has calmed down a bit now but i have noticed when i get more anxious i seem to swallow more i'm gald i'm not the only one with this.

    linda xx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Try this, gentlemen, IT DOES WORK!

    PH, take a look at your posts. In them you will find that even in your writing your obsession prevails. Take it easy, quit averting your focus. You say that when you stop meditating then the spit stops which is why I mention to observe the whole process of salivation to swallowing without judging your self, the act or any thing else. Take a step back and allow your self to examine your mind while you are in your meditative practice. Quit giving in to the easy way of condemning your self for not doing things the you think they should be done.

    Don't listen to what you are thinking, only observe and let it go. Don't give into the condemnation of your mind/body, just observe. Don't force your self to stop or take extreme measures to conform, just observe. Quit reacting to your swallowing and act by observing the swallowing. Breathe, observe. Feel, Don't judge/lable, breathe. Work to control your mind, don't let the mind control your work.

    I had to giggle when I read this PH, it's weird but in a funny way.

    First off, definately give Friend's suggestion a try, it really works.

    Second and most importantly; You're obsessing and reacting and losing focus in your meditation. If you really want to get to the root of the swallowing then search for the cause. I suggest using a vipassianic method of observation.

    Instead of sitting there freaking out about swallowing (OMG I swallowed, I'm swallowing again, I've just swallowed, did anyone hear me swallow? Etc.), just sit there and observe the swallowing, observe the feeling of the entire process of swallowing. Don't lable, don't judge (especially your self), don't give any part of the swallowing process a name. Put your attention in your mouth or on your tongue or that part that is salivating and just feel it. Observe the sensation in your mouth, observe the process of tongue movements, observe the process of throat constriction and then observe your mind in this process. If it helps, visualize watching your self but maintain the non-judgment and non-lableing. Here's the real mind bender: Think about what you are thinking and try to realize how it contributes to the constant desire to swallow.

    Often, by confronting a behavior with an equanimous mind we can discover why we engage in such a behavior which in turns helps to allay that behavior. Also understand that you are experiencing Aversion. That aversion is leading you down an emotionally/psychologically reactive path; forcing your self to stop is part of the aversion. The question is, why are you swallowing so much it hurts? By observing the swallowing process and observing the mind during this process you may find the reason and be able to calmly stop.

    the original post is here.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Obsessive swallowing


    I have recently generated this exact same problem, and a few others similar but they're all related in the fact that i'm obsessed with not being able to control my own thinking. Knowing I can't control my own thinking, my conscience feels the need to further prove this, by giving me tasks to struggle with, such as swallowing and monitoring my own breathing. I have only just discovered this 'problem' over the last few weeks and now it's embedded into my thinking the longer it goes on for the longer it will be to overcome.

    I've taken the view that like anything else i'm hoping my mind becomes bored of it, to the extent that it no longer interests me to think about it, kind of like Italian football :]

    I understand this topic is very old but several points I was able to relate to, the fear that there is something wrong with me, to the extent where I feel I am going insane, and viewing this topic relieved me to some extent. But I do feel the problem is very apparent in me at this time as I struggle to work, as well as finish my current University course in which I have only three months left.

    Only just finidng this problem i'm in no position to suggest any help for anybody, all I wish to say is I feel your pain too.

  10. #10

    Re: Obsessive swallowing

    I am so glad I found this thread today. This is my #1 problem with my anxiety. It is my swallowing/breathing. When I focus on my breathing and swallowing I can barely eat because I am scared of choking and getting stopped up. I start to swallow constantly and feel like the end is near as my mouth gets real dry. Reading this today made me already feel better but realize that is an uphill battle. All this thing is a mind game and when I don't think about it, it is amazing how I breathe and swallow naturally. I hope everyone is getting better and can realize that everything will be ok.

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