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Thread: Long term Citalopram Use

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Long term Citalopram Use

    I have been taking dosulepin for over 20 years now, and now have citalopram added in too, and i expect if this continues to work for me this will be the same. I dont know many people who have been on meds for such a long time, but they are out there, and i suppose if it helps you, dont worry about the length of time, take diabetics who taken insulin everyday, or people who take blood pressure medication, i suppose they would all rather not, but you gotta do what you gotta do...
    if the shoe doesnt fit, its not your damm shoe.!!!!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Long term Citalopram Use

    Hi all

    I have been on Citalopram twice before, the first time for severe depression, the second time for general and social anxiety. Both times I was on them for 6 months, and came off them. Lo and behold, I am now again in a place where I feel I am unable to function normally. I am terrified about normal day to day activities, assuming everyone thinks I'm stupid etc. I can't live like this!!!! There is so much stigma attached to being on meds long term, my mum especially is VERY paranoid when it comes to drugs, but my best friend JUST this second said to me - 'so, a pill a day makes you feel better, what are you waiting for?!'. When it is put that simply it puts EVERYTHING into perspective as far as I'm concerned. I have been through CBT, and although it felt as though it worked, I just constantly relapse. My parents both have suffered with anxiety all their lives, for me I do believe it is a genetic chemical imbalance.

    Ideally, I wouldn't need to rely on drugs to feel normal, but then again IDEALLY, i would feel normal. I don't, and would rather live with taking a pill everyday forever, than feeling this bad. Although, I am training to be a counsellor, am I a fraud?! Haha

    Good luck to you all xx

  3. #13

    Re: Long term Citalopram Use

    Hi there,
    Yes, I can totally relate to the fact you're finding Citalopram slow to take effect this time around. I've been on them twice before, though only for a few months each time. Came off them quite suddenly at the beginning of this year, but I was really suffering so my doctors presribed them again last month. I've been taking 10mg (same dose as previously) for 4 weeks now, and I'm really not convinced they're doing anything much. In the past I thought they'd kicked in quickly, but not this time. The only thing I have had this time is a myriad of side effects, which I'd never had before! When I spoke to my GP he said I shouldn't expect to improve until I'm 4 weeks in, and to concentrate on the idea I'll feel noticeably better by week 8. I've also been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome which means it's a bit difficult to tell when I'm feeling 'better', but I'm hoping some on the anxiety might subside soon. I hope your tablets start to take effect soon, and as others have said, I wouldn't worry about being on them long term. I think if they enable you to have a better quality of life, they're worth it

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Long term Citalopram Use

    For my type 2 diabetes I have to take 2000mg Metformin, 80mg Gliclazide, 40mg Simvastatin every day for the rest of my life. If I have to take Citalopram and Propranolol in addition to this to be able to work and function "normally" for the rest of my life then thats what will happen, and shit happens
    Least said, soonest mended

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Long term Citalopram Use

    Hi ive been on and off cit for yrs, came off them may/june time as felt fine and then wham after some hard times the past month im back on them!! been on them just over 3 weeks (did 10mg for a week) but my god the side effects this time have been awfull so much worse than b4, my anxiety has been tripled on them, hoping it calms down soon!! strange tho that the side effects didnt kick in until 2 days into me taking 20mg?? its starting to settle slowly but im so inpatient thats my problem!!
    Nicola xx

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: Long term Citalopram Use

    I think the crux of it is anxiety itself takes a long time to settle down. The AD's help to improve your mood, but it is the slow process of your body chemistry returning to balance that takes so long.

  7. #17

    Re: Long term Citalopram Use

    Been taking cipramil for 6 years. I have noticed some really disturbing side effects such as severe fatigue during the day even though I have been sleeping for at least 8 hours a night for a while now, major difficulty concentrating and noticeable memory loss. I've tried sessions with a psychologist which didn't work at all. At my wits end I decided to try hypnosis and booked an appointment with a hypnotherapist who turned out to be a spiritual healer. Not being a religious or much of a spiritual person at all I was incredibly anxious in the session. Having already paid for it I thought let me give it a try. She said that there is no reason why I should be on anti-depressents and that she would get me off them easily. She said she would rather try Pranac healing than hypnotherapy. So I went with it. I felt incredibly relaxed afterwards. next day was a sunday, not at work, so i though i would reduce my dose just to see what would happen, which I have never been able to do successfully in the past. Side effects when I've tried to reduce or come off previously have been severe anxiety, anger, depression, popping feeling in my head, complete inability to function. Day after my 'spiritual healing' on reduced dose I've had no side effects. Day 2 and still no side effects. Going for another session in a few days. Will give more of an update then.

  8. #18

    Re: Long term Citalopram Use

    I had a massive panic attack when I was 18. It came unexpected and for no apparent reason. The after affects were terrible. I felt depressed for a few months, weird constant cycling thoughts. Questioning everything in the world and my life, felt like I was going crazy. My doctor put my on citalopram, I took them for a couple of weeks and they seemed to make me worse really emotional. I stopped taking them as I did not think they were working. I am now 28 and have had bouts of anxiety throughout my life. I have been able to control my anxiety thankfully by trying to understand it more. It is natural and gets out of control in some people. I find if I dont drink alcohol that helps. Hangovers are terrible. I personally did not find citalopram helpful but I agree with other posts that if they work for you and improve your life then keep taking. If I feel a panic attick coming on then 10mg diazapam normally works for me. Good luck to everyone dealing with anxiety.

  9. #19

    Re: Long term Citalopram Use

    You have probably seen my posts but I was on cit for 8 years and have tried to get back on it without success. I also tried Zoloft which I had also been on for 2 years. I have had a hellish 4 weeks on CIT and I have decided enough is enough. I wanted to finish things after experiencing awful symptoms and massively increased anxiety. Not sure of my next move yet.
    Good luck

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