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Thread: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

  1. #11

    Smile Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    hey there just started on citalopram yesterday it has well and truely kicked in , feeling lifeless very dizzy and sick dont have an appetite which is odd for me as i love my food , have started shaking alittle and tingly feeling can still feel anxiety underneath all of this and im still grinding my teeth which tenses my back up , glad to see symptoms get better however concerned that foggyness stays for quite a few days i have to go back to work on 3rd sept so slightly worried, have to say night time is the worse still having what i think r beathing problems which goes into panic cant sleep have found hot water bottle on top of cehst helps to soothe tense feelings , but its great to follow your diary x

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    Hi Dizzzie, thanks for the reply.

    Yea my appetites not so big recently either ive lost a bit of weight. Yea the foggyness is not nice at all im hopeing that will begin to ease off soon. Still early days so hopefully things should get better.

  3. #13

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    these side effects are awful and i am going through them all again,just been put on beta blockers today x

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    Even though my appetite has improved a lot since last week, I still don't think it's completely back to normal. I don't eat as large portions as I used to.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    Yea I lost my appetite for the first 4 days, but now I seem to be constantly hungry! One extreme to the other at the moment!
    My foggyness is definitely easing, its still there, but I can kind of push it to one side when I need to concentrate on something!
    My teeth clenching comes after I yawn, it's the oddest thing! The need to clench my.teeth though is becoming easier to resist! Things do get better, I've been assured!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    Update on today:

    Went out to walk the dog felt the usual foggy head and mild anxiety. Had a doctors appointment booked for later in the day and when I was about the leave I had a call from the doctors surgery to say my blood test results are back and i need to see the nurse. So naturally i was crapping myself. So i went to the doctors and saw the nurse first, she says everything on the blood test looks normal apart from my cholesteral which is very high. This suprised me as im only 24 and live a reasonbly healthly lifestyle, neither me or the doctor could work out why it is so high. Anyway going to try and exercise a bit more and eat a bit healthier, not that i dont already. My anxiety levels were very high while i was with the nurse and i was on the verge of having a panic attack but managed to get through it.

    Went to see the doctor and told her about all my sypmtoms ive been having, the dizzyness, light headed, foggyness, twitching limbs, 1 pupil bigger than the other, headaches. She said it could all be the anxiety but it could be something else. She has sent me away saying to keep taking my citalopram and also take beta blockers and i have to go and get an eye test which i assume helps to tell if somethings wrong with the brain from the eyes. If there are no improvements in a week i am to go back and i think they will have to check and see if its something neurological.

    Im just fed up of feeling like crap and being in a dream world non stop, i just want to find out whats rong (nothing i hope) and then get on with my life. Anxiety levels are obviously high as im worried about all this stuff and want to know whats wrong with me if it isnt all anxiety.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    It sounds like you're going through a tough time - I hope it will resolve soon.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    Day 18

    I have woken up feeling like total crap. I feel sick and my anxiety is through the roof. My legs feel like jelly, worse than jelly they feel like their not there. The fact that I dont no if its anxiety, the medication or something more causing this is just making it all worse as i am sick with worry that i have something nuerological going on. Going for an eye test at some point, whenever i build the courage to leave the house during this week. I Will update this as the day goes on.

    ---------- Post added at 15:30 ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 ----------

    Just been to get an eye test as I was asked to by my doctor. Nearly had a panic attack while i was having it done but managed to keep it under control. The eye test came back ok, he said both eyes are healthy, my long distance vision isnt great but nothing major. He said he is not sure why my right pupil sometimes becomes bigger than my left so he has written me a letter to give to my GP so they can send me for some neurological tests. This has always been one of my great fears that something is going wrong with my brain. So i will send that back to the doctor and hopefully get referred. Hate all this hanging over me.

    Apart from all that, ive been feeling in a bit of a daze, not as foggy as yesterday but its still there. My legs felt like complete jelly most of the day so far, felt like they were going to give way so i went and sat down. I just want to find out im ok and be reassured and then i can concentrate on beating this anxiety.

    Sorry this has become more of a general day to day diary rather than all about the Citalopram. Any comments from my fellow sufferers would be great.

    ---------- Post added at 18:01 ---------- Previous post was at 15:30 ----------

    Is this stuff really going to help me? I dont see a way foward right now. Any time I try and go about normal day to day activities and just feel so ill. So foggy, dizzy, jelly legs, panic attacks.
    So I just end up staying in bed watching tv and on here, because its the only place i can feel reasonably ok. I dont feel ok at all to fair but atleast its bareable. Just want to wake up and be the old me.

    ---------- Post added at 21:33 ---------- Previous post was at 18:01 ----------

    So was feeling really bad earlier, been a bit of an up and down day. I dont feel to bad now, i have calmed down a lot. Ive still got slight brain fog and a fuzzy feeling in my head, these have become my main problems rather than the anxiety. But i cant complain i feel better than i have done in the past few days.
    Just chilling watching tv and on the laptop at the moment, trying to keep the intrusive thoughts at bay.

    ---------- Post added 23-08-12 at 00:14 ---------- Previous post was 22-08-12 at 21:33 ----------

    In bed wathcing tv. Feel a bit nauseous with the usual slight brain fog. At times a get breif moments of like 10 seconds or so where it feels like my brain its fizzing/buzzing away like there is a strange surge of activity going on, feels weird. Anyway if anyones awake and reading this comment or pop in the chat room for a chat

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    Day 19

    Woken up feeling anxious, body feels a bit light and tingly. I have still got the buzzing/fuzzy sensation going on in my head and I dont feel all there, a bit confused to be honest. I feel a bit nauseous. I just want to start to gradually feel a bit better but it doesnt seem to be happening

  10. #20

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    Hey gotagetthroughthis,

    Stick in there. I've read that Citalopram can take up to like 4 weeks or sometimes more to kick in. I started on Citalopram for general anxiety disorder. This is my 3rd day, feel similar to you foggy, cannot concentrate, greater anxiety. Felt nauseas earlier like I do when I have an anxiety attack so went to bed and managed to get an hours sleep which made me feel better.

    Like you i'm struggling to fall asleep at night so sleepy all day :(

    good luck!!

    Miles x

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