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Thread: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    Day 25

    Woke up this morning with some chest pains and felt a bit breathless and this caused a panic attack, please do not start the vicious cycle again, I can feel myself being dragged down slightly but got to stay positive. I full on thought I was having a heart attack this morning and its so hard to tell yourself its a panic attack when you have health anxiety about your heart anyway. The attack passed now but feel a little bit foggy and anxiety is a bit higher then the last couple of days and my spirits arent so high but I will see how i go throughout the day, hopefully i feel better in a bit.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    Hi Mate,

    have you considered upping your dose to 30? maybe it would help ease those feelings?

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    hi Iggy,

    Yea i have been thinking about it, i just want to get to about 5 weeks on 20mg and see how i am then, as I feel it has only kicked in over the last few days so want to see how i feel with the 20mg. I dont like being on an anti depressant at all so dont want to go down the route of upping my dose just yet lol. Im still dizzy and lightheaded everyday aswell and hopeing this will go away soon.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!


    So today hasnt been as positive as the last couple of days. Im not back to non stop anxiety but I do feel very strange all the time and have had on and off surges of near panic attacks throughout the day, i think the panic attack this morning and yesterday just knocked me a bit.

    So been trying to keep my mind occupied but ive got a weird fuzzy head, feel foggy, light headed and dizzy so its quite hard and the anxiety has been creeping in more and more. I also have a sort of pulsing pressure head ache that seems to increase when I stand up. Also my eye pupils are doing there usual random uneveness, even the shape of one of them looks more oval then round now which freaks me out. All this has obviously convinced me I have something serious wrong with me again so im back to analyzing all my symptoms. Im still calmer then I was a few weeks ago though. Hopefully its just a little set back and tomorrow will be better.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    Day 26

    Woke up this morning in a bit of an axious state, not a panic attack but not far off one. Calmed down a bit now. Still dont feel to great, dizzy and foggy, fuzzy head. I also have just got no engery or motivation whats so ever. So im just spending most of the time in bed on the laptop and watching tv. I have nothing to do really anyway. I dont really know what im expecting from the Citalopram, its like i expect it to just suddenly make me back to normal and i know its not really going to do that. Just dont know what to do with myself, so I dont help my self a lot of the time.

    I still have the nagging thoughts that its not all anxiety and I do have something Neurologically wrong with me and with that doubt in my head the anxiety is always there.

    ---------- Post added at 20:28 ---------- Previous post was at 16:39 ----------


    Havnt been as panicky today but i still dont feel to good. Really dizzy and foggy all the time, i thought these side effects would of started to subside by now, thats why i think it may be something other than the meds causing these symptoms.

    My plan is to get to 5 weeks on the Citalopram and if these feelings and symptoms arent any better then I may ask to change to Escitalopram, as Ive heard some people have moved straight over with not many issues. Anyone here changed form Cit to Escitalopram?

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!


    Felt a bit better as the night went on, not to anxious. I still felt a bit foggy and dizzy so i did something ive never done before i forced myself to go out for a jog, even though my health anxiety makes me terrified im going to have a heart attack. so had a light jog with some stop and starting and did have a few panicky moments while i was out of breath, but i survived and i did actually feel better after. So that is a positive. Also i think it did clear my head a bit and i had quite a calm night. Hopefully this can continue.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    Pleased to hear that you had a better night, I have now been on cit for 6 weeks and am gradually slowly starting to feel better, I went to see the GP yesterday after a fortnight and he said I seemed and looked a lot better which made me feel good, I don't have to see him for a month now. My worst thing now is waking up on and off at night starting at 1.30 every night, hopefully it will get better soon.

    Have a good day.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    Thanks cmc46.

    Ah yea the waking up must be annoying, I did have that for the first week but then it settled down and moved on to the dizzyness and fuzzy feelings in my head. I suppose it effects everyone in different ways. Hopefully we can both start to feel back to normal soon. keep in touch.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    When do you take your tablet, morning or evening? I take mine in the morning, I don't know whether that makes any difference to sleeping, the last week I have felt tired after lunch and if I sit down that's it I'm gone.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Citalopram diary - Day 15 - Here we go!

    Yea i take mine in the morning aswell and do find i get a little sleepy throughout the day

    ---------- Post added at 18:36 ---------- Previous post was at 17:04 ----------

    Day 27

    Was a bit anxious when I woke up this morning, but that settled within an hour or so. So im just back to feeling ok, with mild dizzy foggyness again.

    I feel like im stuck in between feeling really bad with high anxiety and between feeling reasonbly good and able to start doing things again. Im not feeling either of those im in the middle. I dont feel horribly anxious but i dont feel right, i always feel slightly dizzy and foggy and have no energy or motivation. I could force myself to get up and go out but i no im not quite ready. I would go out and start having panic attacks and have to come home. I just cant ignore the dizzyness and fuzzy head feelings, with the on and off headaches. I just want to get over the hurdle of feeling rather strange and then I could go and and start getting back to normality. I dont know is these strange feelings are ever going to go away though.

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