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Thread: feel useless with no hope for the future

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    feel useless with no hope for the future

    everyday I seem to be getting more and more depressed, I feel like I am stuck in a rut and there is no light at the end of the tunnel, I left university in 2009 with a degree in textiles, since then I have no had a decent job and I have spent most of the time being unemployed due to anxiety, the only jobs I get are rubbish ones which I end up leaving because my panic attacks start again, I can't afford to live on benefits because I have so much debt left from university and I spend my days worrying about what my future is going to be like, I don't know how to turn my life around, I have no confidence and just end up sitting at home all day crying and feeling suicidal, I don't know how to cope with the lack of prospects I have, I still live at home because I can't afford my own place, everyone else I know have full time jobs and are getting married with children and I feel I am being left behind, I apply for jobs everyday but never hear back, I hate it, I feel useless and not part of society. The job centre isn't very helpful, I volunteer at a charity shop but I am struggling to pay the bills, I have no social life and all my friends have deserted me to get on with their perfect lives. My boyfriend left me, I feel so lonely, I am always worrying about how I am going to look after my parents because they are getting old and I can't even afford to give my dad proper rent, I don't know what to do, I feel I have lost everything and have no hope for the future

  2. #2

    Re: feel useless with no hope for the future

    It must be hard, but don't give up. There is always hope, be strong, because things will get better!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: feel useless with no hope for the future

    There is always hope for the future. If you can try to achieve one small thing each day. Keep a diary if you like. There might be self help groups in your area and I joined a depression alliance group in the early stages of recovery. Don't give up. Talk to someone close to you about your hopes and aspirations for the future. I also joined a few evening classes so I got out of the house a bit. One of the tutors I still see and it must be over twenty years on. EJ

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: feel useless with no hope for the future

    I feel so sorry of what you feel, I guess some students who graduates in college will feel something like that if they don't have any job after their graduation but let me tell you it's just a matter of God's Time and what's he's will. I'm sure you'll get a work that's right for you and you'll overcome your anxiety, just be patient and pray to God always. here's a hug for yah'

  5. #5

    Re: feel useless with no hope for the future

    I'm in a similar situation, except I finished uni in 2011.

    I'm scared absolutely ****less about entering the world of work - even in a job that is to do with computers (IT Support, which I have an interview for on monday).

    Anxiety is absolutely horrible and the depression it brings is just the nasty icing on the ****cake. It just makes me want to curl up and cry into my parents' arms - and I have been for the last few days.

    Luckily, my folks paid off my uni debts already (I still owe them) - but I'm pretty sure that they don't charge repayments until you earn over a certain amount each year?

    Anyway, I feel for you and I hope that you can somehow find an answer to this misery.

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