That has just described me Nicola on this Mirtazapine ...I'm down to 15mg's and 7.5 next week but did consider going cold turkey last night when I was feeling so rough... just to get it all over with faster! I was reading on the net you feel horrible for about 5 days and then that's it but tapering you can feel bad for a few weeks though most people don't even get any WD tapering off Mirt....hmfff!!! Hoy you up there, what did I ever do to you to make me go through this eh Mister? ha ha!
I have my next GP appointment on Thursday so I'll ask him if I chop Mirt down to 7.5mg then just stop of do I need to go to 3.something or other too! I'm still hoping I'll just end up super calm because I'm over worrying so much about my divorce now my life is falling nicely into place but if I am still naturally panicky, not chemically panicky then I'll go on Venlafaxine. DEAL!