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Thread: ectopics making me sad

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    ectopics making me sad

    Hi All

    I know i've posted about these ectopics before but i can't help worrying about them, over the last few days i've had them quite alot when i'm watching tv mainly and they just last for ages.

    I'm soooo :( that i keep having them and thinking why me, but before i started to get panic/anxiety attacks i never had these so it must be down to that. The thing is though when i'm not anxious or panicky i still get them thats what i can't understand then i think there must be something else wrong, i'm going to make an appointment for the GP but i'm worried he will say there's something else wrong.

    I'm so worried about this i know there are others with the same thing but my mind goes back to thinking its not right to have them so long.

    linda x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , Ireland.

    i no how you feel these things are awful. even though i never take meds for my phobia i did take propanolol for those and believe me for someone who hates meds, these really worked

    ask your gp about them if you have never tried them

    other than that, claire weekes book relates to them so if you read this it may help

    all the best

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi like you i get them when im resting as well.ive had them for years i used to get them so bad that it made my anxiety go throw the roof.i sometimes think they wer the start of my nerves.but the less scared i am of them the less they come.although wen i do get them i still pause for a second.they cant hurt you ive been checked many times because of them and docs all say they are in no way dangerous.i knew a lady who was in her eightys and had them since she was 17 and it took over her life for a long time as she was so afraid.but she wasted all they years worrying and nothing ever happened to her.think how many times youve had them and wat is the worse that has happened .panic.more than likley but nothing else.i no they are scary you should hear my heart its always doing weird stuff and yes it does scare are not alone prob most people on here get them.i hope this helps.take care marcia

    i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    The doctor wont say anything is wrong hun and you will feel better for going.

    He may do another ecg to put your mind at rest thats all.

    Everytime I get them and especially if I have a good long gap of some months between them I always think oh no it must be something more and each time he patiently goes through it with me.

    Go and get your reassurance mate.

    Love Piglet xx

    "Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
    "Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    What can i say poor you , oh i feel so sorry for you like i do myself right now, i have had every kind of weird thing happen to myheart i tell ya... and what makes it worse is that i have glue ear yeah and so i can hear my heart in my ear all the time.
    You are so not alone , i know it so hard to belive that you are fine and that nothink is going to happen to you, but its isnt... i get them all the time and me too mostly when i am resting.
    This morning i was just sitting there my heart missed a beat and then i went well dizzy i tell ya i was going to faint.. i truley belive that you get yaself in to such a frenzy and us as a person can make things happen, serioulsy ... not that i was going to have a heart attack... but certinley make it go funky and do funky things.
    My heart is my biggest fear, i have slow beats ones that are far to slow,mega fast ones, ones that thud, jump, go all weird and all over the show.. try your best not to focus love, belive me if you had a ecg before any defect would of shown up, even if you felt ok at that time,
    (i cant belive i advise people and yet i dont take it myself)
    Im sorry that you are suffering , but you dont suffer alone .

    ashley xxx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    I feel so happy in finding this site I could cry.
    I haven't been aware that I have any anxiety issues but it sounds so familiar reading these posts and I'm not alone!!!! I did a search on irregular heartbeats and ectopic beats cos it keeps happening to me and I get so scared that I just want to go to bed all day. It's ruling my life and I am snappy with my kids co i'm so health anxious and too scared to enjoy them. The doctor said they were harmless but I couldn't believe it really and here you all are. It's my secret worry - I am anxious over it all the time cos it happens when i'm not stressed at all, like watching tv or at a school play. Maybe it is okay - I will certainly try to cut out the caffine.
    I usually feel a bit feint and sick after an irregular beat episode - do others get that? It might just be fear - can it really be harmless? I am so delighted to have found this site.

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