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Thread: You all may find this interesting......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    You all may find this interesting......

    Hi all, been lurking since joining but found reading all the posts on a daily basis very very useful....

    I thought I'd share the experiences of the last couple of days with you as they prove an interesting insight into just how psychological this whole thing is... ok, I'll explain!

    I've been suffering from panic attacks in general for the last couple of years (I won't ellaborate too much as I covered most of what I'm experiencing in my 'introduction' post) and for the last couple of weeks I have had horrendous toothache which seemed to stem from a dodgy crown! [V] In addition, and completely aside, I started to have a classic car rebuilt last year by a garage (bear with me on this one!) and have had to make regular visits to see it's progress.... so, this week I had two trips to make, one to the dentist to sort my tooth out and the other to the garage to go through the last stage of the car rebuild. Both, as you can imagine caused quite a bit of anxiety in anticipation of the lengthy trips and either the hour in the dentist chair or hour discussing the bodywork of my beloved car!

    So, on Monday morning I made the call to the dentist as I really could no longer put up with the pain and was told I could see the dentist that morning as it was an emergency. I was overjoyed(!) and jumped in the car to make the 45 minute journey to the dentist. Once there, I saw him, he informed me it had to come out and to cut a long story short I was there for the best part of two hours before returning home... Not once during my trip or my stay did I have a panic attack or feel any anxiety at all, I was just relieved to be there and relieved to have the pain taken away!

    Tuesday was a different story... after weeks of putting them off I had to visit the garage and set off in the morning. The journey there was approximately 30 minutes of typical anxiety hell and on arrival I did the usual sitting in the car composing myself before going in. (I'm sure some of you do this knowing that once you leave the car and go in there's no turning back which makes it all the worse!) I did eventually make it to the door and everything just got worse, while speaking to the mechanic I think I experienced the worse panic attack ever and thought I was going to faint/be sick/have a heartattack/go blind (delete as applicable [:I] ) and this went on for most of the meeting. I'm sure he noticed as I couldn't focus on what he was saying as I was too busy preparing myself for the impending blackout! Eventually it was over and I scurried back to my car to go home....

    The two episodes made me realise just how much my mind is playing with me....... I hope it offers some insight into what is going on!?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Dean

    I wrote something similar - sometimes with me I deal with something that I thought would bring on a panic attack but I am fine and actually enjoy it with no anxiety symptoms at all and I think to myself Ive finally cracked it! Then the next day it hits me. I dont know if there is something called delayed anxiety? Maybe? But you are so right it is our thoughts and I know that feeling so well sitting in the car preparing yourself to get out as there is no going back.

    Take care

    Darkangel is for living not just for surviving

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Dean

    Your not alone with what you explained. I have days like that to & as Darkangel said sometimes you feel you have cracked it other times you wonder what the heck is going on.
    Last week for instance i had a really good monday i could have taken on the world, tuesday i was feeling all low again.
    I do my best to stay positive as im sure you are doing & learning to talk through my feelings when im going through a low day, i find that helps to.

    Take Care & keep smiling


    Many People Will Walk
    In & Out Of Your Life
    But Only True Friends
    Will Leave Footprints
    In Your Heart

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    oh that is a pattern i recognise,isn't it annoying!I have had major sugery and been in hospital and not had one panic attack ,then i'm sittin watch tv and BANG the whole lot goes off ,just as you described,waiting for my impending doom!i dont mean to make light of it,but some times laughing at it is all one can do!!Love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    So what do you learn from this ??

    Think about in which of these scenarios your thoughts were busy and focussed directly on other things and not allowing distressing whats if thoughts to creep in and which scenarios you have mind wandering time and it did just that and led you down all the anxiety paths


    Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
    How big is your gallery ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Dean

    It is horrible but you went and did it however hard it was and however ill you felt. Do you not think when we panic to those around us it means nothing and as we feel so bad we feel like we have a massive sign on our head saying "want to run cant cope" when in reality the people you are with probably dont even acknowledge anything.

    Love Sal xx

    Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

    "Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

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