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Thread: Increasing Seroxat dose from 20mg to 30mg

  1. #1

    Increasing Seroxat dose from 20mg to 30mg

    Hi everyone

    I just wondered whether anyone else has increased their seroxat dose from 20mg to 30mg and if so whether you experienced any side effects and how long it took to feel more like your old self.

    I started 30mg last Saturday and so far have experienced lightheadedness and nausea. Not sure if this is due to the increase. I seemed to have a good day on monday and thought wow the increase is working but since then have felt incredibly anxious and ill.

    Any thoughts would be much appreciated.


  2. #2

    Re: Increasing Seroxat dose from 20mg to 30mg

    Hi I know that my post is quite specific but would appreciate anyone's thoughts / experiences etc if you are taking or have taken seroxat in the past. Really seem to be losing the plot today!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Increasing Seroxat dose from 20mg to 30mg

    HI spike, i've been on 20 mg down to 10 back up to 20mg and now on 30 mg after a blip in march 2011. From what I can remember (and i'm sorry my memory is shot since my anx or being on the peroxatine!) I felt more brain tingles. I don't know if this was cause of my blip and or the increase. I also felt really low at the time. Now on the whole feeling good.
    Sorry I probably haven't been much help
    I know it does take awhile for meds to kick in, maybe speak to your doc if you have concerns?
    Hope you're feeling better
    When you cry because you can't see the sun, your tears prevent you from seeing the stars x

  4. #4

    Re: Increasing Seroxat dose from 20mg to 30mg

    Thank you for your reply. I am so low at the moment and just wish the increase would kick in and at least enable me to get out of bed and do something constructive. The doctor said it will probably take 14 days to feel better but having upped the dosage in the past I seem to remember it being quicker than that. Mind you as I said I don't remember being this low before.

    Thanks again

  5. #5

    Re: Increasing Seroxat dose from 20mg to 30mg

    Anyone else have any thoughts on this ??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Increasing Seroxat dose from 20mg to 30mg

    Hi Spike, I've been on seroxat for three years now and have recently had it increased to 60mg.However,I have consulted my diaries and started on 20mg on 25th September 2009,it was increased again to 30mg on 3rd October 2009 and then upped to 40mg on 21st November 2009.

    I'm assuming this is the usual progression with seroxat but I'm not sure.I seem to remember my dose was upped each time in reaction to any increased anxiety I was experiencing.You may find that 30mg suits you fine,and yes its important to remember that anti-depressants take time,I know how tough it is waiting for it to kick in though friend.Hang in there and I'm sure you will start to notice some improvement soon.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Increasing Seroxat dose from 20mg to 30mg

    yes when i severely depressed in 1999 - i went from 20mg - to 30mg as i felt the 20mg wasnt working enough.

    i cant remember if i had side effects but i think after 6 weeks it started to work.

    20mg is now thought by some people to be enough to take of seroxat.
    but obviously speak to your doctor.

    i tried from being on 20mg - for 13 years to taper down - i managed to get to 5.2mg but crashed.

    i am now back on 10mg and will stay here for a few years before i try and taper again.

    best wishes x
    good mental health cannot be found in a pill

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Increasing Seroxat dose from 20mg to 30mg

    Hello, I have had various doses over the years from 10mg to 60mg. I personally have only every experienced any side effects when I have reduced my dose or forgotten to take it. I get what I can only describe as 'head shocks', funny dizzy sensations.
    Good luck x

  9. #9

    Re: Increasing Seroxat dose from 20mg to 30mg

    Thanks for your comments. As an update after taking 30mg for 2 weeks felt much better for a few days and then wham bam back to square one. Been on the increased dose now for 22 days and feel just as anxious. Does anyone know if it takes a long time to become effective? I thought I had turned a corner a week ago and now am really upset that I am back to this - not wanting to get out of bed.

    Any thoughts appreciated and welcomed. Thanks

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Increasing Seroxat dose from 20mg to 30mg

    I am in the same boat (almost, I'm on fluoxetine). I upped my dose from 10 mg to 20 mg 4 1/2 weeks ago. The first three weeks were okay, but then I was anxious for a week, then two okay days, and then depression set in. I also just want to stay in bed. People on the fluoxetine forum says it can take 6 weeks to kick in. I don't know if this helps, I just wanted you to know that you are not alone..

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