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Thread: Fear of forgetting/memory loss

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: Fear of forgetting/memory loss

    Well guys ive had no horrid thoughts for 3 days now! Yay!

  2. #22

    Re: Fear of forgetting/memory loss

    My therapist once said to me, "Not remembering is remembering". I have always said that to myself now and they are, to my belief, wise words.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Fear of forgetting/memory loss

    This morning I poured my cereals in my cup and was about to put the tea bag in my bowl when I realised what I was doing

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: Fear of forgetting/memory loss

    the thing is, im not actually forgetting things, im just fearing it will happen because i feel so weird all the time like im about to just suddenly not no were i am or who i am, its scary. its always brought on in situations. i have been fine for almost 2 weeks, but it came on again yesterday and today ive been really bad and worried that i will just forget people :( ive been taken of diazepam which i was only on for 9 days which really helped, and im now on a slow release propranalol which is doing jack shit!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Fear of forgetting/memory loss

    I am exactly the same as you magic.
    Thing is years ago my dad at the age of 55 started forgetting things
    Hed go out to get something and come back without it.
    He went for tests and my mum just said the hospital said he was fine.Then my mum died suddenly and I went down the doctors and had a word with him about my dad.
    He said did your mum not tell you hes got alzeimers? I told him no and what the hell was alzeimeirs. He said well basically your dads losing his mind!!!!!
    I was horrified.
    I had him living with me as there was no where else he could go.
    Id just had a baby and found it really hard. However there was no where else he could go.
    Id tuck him in bed and say goodnight and hed say "I dont know whoever you are but your bloody good to me"
    In the end he went in respite to give me a break.
    The matron told me he was to ill to be in there and said it was best he went in permanently. Sad to say the only place that would take him was the local mental hospital.
    However they were brilliant with him.
    He died age 66.
    I decided to work in nursing homes looking after people with dementia.
    Ive had a word with my doctor about if its heredity. He says not. Stress can cause you to forget things.
    There is a test you can do online. Ive done that test and I found out that ive got no sign of alzeimers. Thank God.
    Sorry to have gone on.
    Take care
    LYNN xx

    Laugh and the world laughs with you , cry and ? .....
    you need a bog roll. lol

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Fear of forgetting/memory loss

    Hi all and Lynn my dear friend,
    Lynn you have brought a tear to my eye thi morning when talking about your Dad.
    I think you would make a very good carer.
    Do you know?this may sound silly --but I can relax somewhat doing this:-
    No 1. I have to have a roll of sticky tape in every room.
    No2 I have to have blue tack in every room
    No3 I have to have a stapler in every room
    No 4 Plenty of pens in every room, tissues and whipes.
    Deodorant everywhere, upstairs and down.
    I can only afford 1 mobile phone though.
    i am frequently ringing that in the house.
    If my hammer and plyers go missing I am so panicy because
    I am always changing the pictures about on the wall.
    I am what some people would call potty, but thats
    how i am.
    love to allxx

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Fear of forgetting/memory loss

    My dear friend Helen.
    I have to have glasses everywhere.
    Il sometime go upstairs and forget what Ive gone up for.
    Your far from being potty!
    Its called stress and anxiety so please dont worry.
    Always here for you Helen.
    So glad I met you on that trip to Liverpool.
    Take care
    LYNN xx

    Laugh and the world laughs with you , cry and ? .....
    you need a bog roll. lol

  8. #28

    Re: Fear of forgetting/memory loss

    Same thing happened to me IM 23atm, it started from a panic attack, i always think if im doing it right or is that how i remembered it? on the spot while im doing things its comes on every often . i have doubts of myself , im not really strong minded. But im happy im not alone and that did relieve some stress, kinda seems like OCD or something.

    ---------- Post added at 02:55 ---------- Previous post was at 02:44 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Charlee123 View Post
    I have to add this isnt all the time. Im torturing myself because i am testing my memory in a way as my fear if dementia. When i used to fear cancer i convinced myself i had everything and i examined myself all the time. So basically im doung the same but in my head. My subconsious is talking to me and i tell it to piss off lol but it always comes back. Any tips on how to stop these thoughts?
    its funy cuz im the same way, i feared i had cancer or something look it up online and i look up symptoms and stuff and im pretty much scaring my self, thinking the symptoms are are linked to other things and diseases . just feels weird that ur going thru the same things i have been going thru.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Fear of forgetting/memory loss

    I realise this is old but this is me on and off. Little tiny every day things will happen like leaving drink in kitchen while carry dinner in, I hadn't put shampoo on hair but instead spent half hour laughing at YouTube videos. But I worry I'm losing my memory. I'll also test myself of meals ive eaten & especially lately ive had a million interviews and remembering where ive been (got offices mixed up because they're all so close!) I panicked yesterday.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Fear of forgetting/memory loss

    We had a guy from the Alzheimer Association talk to us once and he told this story to illustrate the difference between forgetfulness and bad memory loss ...

    A person parks their car in the supermarket car park and then goes into the supermarket to get their shopping. On the way out they just can't remember which space their car is parked in. After looking a while they locates it then drive home. This is normal.

    Another person parks their car in the supermarket car park and then goes into the supermarket to get their shopping. On the way out they wonder how they got there and start walking home with the shopping. This is not so normal and needs further investigation.

    I've always remembered his talk especially when I'm out shopping! Another thing that can cause temporary memory loss is having autoimmune conditions. You can get words back to front or say the opposite word to what you meant or just forget what you're saying at any given moment. This used to happen to me when I was teaching at 37...I'm 59 now and still getting it, nothing has changed for the worse.

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