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Thread: at my wits end

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    at my wits end

    Hi everyone.

    If someone told me few months ago I will be where I am right now I wouldn't believe it. But then I don't know why I would think I will be ok forever...

    I don't even know what it is that is going on with me. It started with feeling achy and just funny and having mildly elevated temperature, not enough to call it a fever but not normal. Then I was left just feeling not right, uneasy feeling in my body, then I thought I had urinary infection cause of the pains in my back and under my ribs and had some proteins in urine, then pains got worse around my right rib which now feels like the bottom is bruised. And I was having period type pains. But protein was gone now from my urine. Then I started having some spotting but it is so light and it's pinky and still period cramps and lower back ache... I am on cerazette and sometimes get periods within a week because of it but usually it's a proper period. Last one finished about ten days ago. Then on Monday at work I started feeling hot, just couldn't stand the heating at work, it was like my face is on fire. I went to the doctor, that's when she told me my urine was clear of protein only has blood but I am spotting so since there is nothing else it is ok. But when she took my temp it was mildly up again. But my face was feeling ten times worse than the actual temp I had. She said i might have a virus cause i've also been having a cough, i forgot to mention that. My lungs were clear and the cough is going away so why would i get temp now when i already had the cough for five days or so and it is now getting better, actually the same day i started feeling warm the cough reduced massively by the end of the day.Yesterday was the same and I had to leave work. My temp was mostly ok today at home but I am really so scared, can't shake the feeling something is wrong with me, cause I am still spotting, still got period type pains and achy rib and at times I just feel really weird and I don't know if that is anxiety and fear taking over or something is going on. It feels like I am going to start shivering but I don't, like I'm on the edge, like I'm gonna get lightheaded or like everything is just strange, it's so difficult to explain... my husband is working tonight and it's so hard.I can't think of anything else except what is going on...I keep taking my temperature...
    Last edited by mila; 19-12-12 at 20:32. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: at my wits end

    I woke up this morning feeling hot and panicked. Took my temp and it was fine but i just can't believe it. Cause I wanted to take all my clothes off. My cheeks still feel warm now. I tried getting doctors appointment again but nothing available! I feel like something is going on with me, and nothing is being done about it. I have to stay off work, well i am working from home but that's not quite the same, and i can't go on for much longer like that really. And I have no illusions that I will get proper answers any time soon which is what i need!! At least some ultrasound or blood tests, cause i am so worried about my ovaries and uterus or kidneys or liver cause of all the aches and the bleeding.
    It is the most horrible feeling when you wake up, sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night, and you are feeling like you need to pour cold water over yourself, and it's so dark and quiet and creepy, and your heart would race and you just feel sheer panic by then.... And this keeps happening, so before going to bed you are already scared of it...

    ---------- Post added at 10:35 ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 ----------

    And it doesn't help waking up to a total darkness, i am still not sure if i am awake and if it is daytime, just feels strange. When I woke up I couldn't believe it was 8 o'clock, it felt like middle of the night. I still feel sleepy now. My cheeks still feel so warm, it is driving me crazy.
    I know I may sound like a crazy person. I can't stop going on about things when I am scared. But I feel so on my own with these fears and am struggling and i am starting to feel very unreal at times...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: at my wits end

    Could the Meds you are on cause the hot face?
    It's normal to get a hot face when tired or stressed.
    How long does it last? Mine maybe up to an hour, cold water helps some.
    I don't know what age your are bit I assume it's not hot flashes/menopause.
    Often when I feel funny my face will get very hot. But not always.
    Sometimes it just happens. Or I'll get hot in other places like my head or just random areas.
    Sorry you've not been feeling well.

    If you've a cold it can come and ago, you may have the temp n cough on and off.
    A cough can be rather hard to get rid of.

    When you say temp what do you mean?
    My usual is 37 C but often can go up to 37.5 for no reason sometimes higher but I'm always sick if it reaches 38 C.
    Maybe it's the temp causing your face to flush?

    It does sound like a combination of things, the urinary tract infection you had, the cough, possiable virus and the anxiety.
    If you add it all up no wonder you're not feeling good.
    Drink lots if water and maybe take some vitamin C.
    There's no need to take your temperture too much, if you hit a fever you'll know as you'll feel very cold, as your body temperture is higher than room temperture.
    If it gets too high, as in over 38C paracetamol and a cool drink will bring it down in no time.

    Nothing bad is going to happen I know you're not feeling well but you're not in bed too sick to get up so that's good. Virus and colds unfortunately can take a while to shift.
    I didn't feel right for weeks after having the flu one year, just felt so tired and just not too well.

    Your face getting hot is not dangerous. It's just your anxiety and maybe due to being a bit ill. It's doesnt mean much
    The more your focus on it the hotter it will feel.

    I'm not sure why you are spotting, but if you're on the pill that can be a cause.
    I guess if it doesn't clear up your doctor will eventually run some tests.

    Does your whole body feel warm too?
    It really does sound a bit like a virus or the flu but least you aren't too ill.
    What was your doctors advice ?

    ---------- Post added at 10:47 ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 ----------

    I think most of us feel safer in the day, maybe try sleeping with a nightlight or the hallway light on or even keep your phone under the pillow so you'll have a fast light source.

    Honest when ever I'm tired my cheeks get warm sometimes they get warm before I realize I'm tired.
    Lack of sleep always makes anxiety worse and you'll get that unreal feeling too.
    The best you can do is try to get a good nights sleep or even a few naps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: at my wits end

    Anxious_Gal: Thank you so much for your reply!!!
    I always thought my normal temperature was quite low, until i bought the tympanic termometer that is! Before when I used the under arms one I could hardly get 36.5. Now when I take it it's usually above 37, from 37.1 to 37.4, but over the past week it's been going up to 37.8 on two occasions, but that would be in 1 ear only! mostly up to 37.6. It was never up to 38 though. But I would feel as if i am lying on the beach with the sun on me for hours. I find it so hard not to take my temp now, it's like i'm obssessed.
    Part of me knows that I had the irregular bleeding with this pill so many times, extra periods, but since it's so small now but period pains are there and actually i don't havemuch period pains usually, that's why i am so worried. they are not that painful to be honest, but i am noticing them very much and sometimes they feel sort of pulling and my heart sinks when i feel them again... I did have an ultrasound the first time it happened almost 2 years ago now. But usually i know why, I miss a pill or something.
    The pain in my rib also is not going away. If I press my bottom rib it feels like it is bruised so i am trying to tell myself it is muscular and not something inside but it's hard to believe it.
    Cough is almost all gone now, still feel bit congested first thing in the morning.
    But the worse feeling is the one I can't explain! It just makes me feel unsettled inside, surreal, like something bad is happening.

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