I will tell you about my experience with sore teeth. I often get pain in my upper & lower back teeth at different times. I now see that the pattern is whenever I am really low & feeling high anxiety & panic that my teeth hurt. A few yrs ago I went to the dentist (one tooth was bothering me in particular) & he could find nothing wrong. I told him that the pain sometimes spread down into my neck. He did x-rays, took out an old filling to see what was going on underneath & found nothing. He even sent me to a specialist who was baffled. In the end he said that I must be grinding my teeth in my sleep due to stress. I think he is right because I often wake up in the middle of the night with sore teeth & gums - sometimes so bad that I am convinced that I have an abcess & I start to panic - but it never comes to anything. So I have slowly begun to realise that my panic & anxiety is what is causing these weird pains. Somepeople get pains in other parts of their bodies & get mine in my teeth & face. However, in saying that, you should get your dentist to check it out because in your case it could be your wisdom teeth - all I am saying is don't be totally surprised if the dentist finds nothing wrong. Let us know how you get on.