This morning I woke up and there was a small wet patch on my nighty near my right breast. I am now convinced my breast was leaking during the night. Now all day my breast has felt really sore. I haven't breastfed since november 2011, so I know there is nothing left in there! But all day my breast has felt like it did when I had milk, and has felt like it was leaking. I went as far as stuffing tissue down my bra for a few hours but it was dry when I removed it. I have squeezed and nothing has come out.

At the moment I'm convinced I have a brain tumour so I think its something to do with that. All the tumour symptoms I have are also on my right side

I don't know where the wet patch can of come from. I don't remember spilling any water on myself when I got a drink in the night. I had my son in bed with me for part of the night but I don't think it can have come from him.