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Thread: A message for those scared by Noro

  1. #31

    Re: A message for those scared by Noro

    Just like to add my thanks to the OP. First post too so hello all. So much respect for everyone battling their emet demons, I'd like to think I'm not with an extreme case of emet but I reckon if I were to be viewed I'll be told otherwise. I've not had a virus for a few years and before that remember being ill once in my life. Touching all available wood.

    I've visited friends who've recently had it over Christmas and my badminton doubles partner had it 2 days before a match I played in with him, I shook hands and everything!

    So long as we keep our hand washing up, use common sense and stay healthy, it can't touch us. Thanks again to the OP. wish the media would give advice on how to prevent it rather than what to do if people have it. Prevention > cure!
    Last edited by danbobnix; 03-01-13 at 13:32.

  2. #32

    Re: A message for those scared by Noro

    Lots of people in my area seem to be getting this which worries me lots as a severe emet, however i have a small bottle of hand sanitizer and wash my hands frequently and i am fine (touch wood). The 'pandemic' should be over soon

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: A message for those scared by Noro

    Quote Originally Posted by McHovis View Post
    Lots of people in my area seem to be getting this which worries me lots as a severe emet, however i have a small bottle of hand sanitizer and wash my hands frequently and i am fine (touch wood). The 'pandemic' should be over soon
    Hmmmn, it's not a pandemic. I think I'll ban that word now. Replace it with 'outbreak'. It happens. Soon it'll be summer (hopefully) and we can all be happy. I am an emet myself, McHovis, have you read the info at the beginning of this thread? It's really good. You need to read it over & over so that you can replace the more negative things you might see in the press with some good old plain facts. I recite some of the post from iced_diamond to myself daily. Try it, It's very reassuring.

  4. #34

    Re: A message for those scared by Noro

    I'm finding comfort in reading recent stories that grape seed extract, in small doses, broke down the protein 'shell' of the noro, reducing its binding ability when tests were made. Been tested on viruses of the same make up as noro but they can't replicate the noro we suffer from. Here's hoping!

  5. #35

    Re: A message for those scared by Noro

    Thank you so much. I've only heard about it in passing, like when my boyfriend has been watching the news BUT THEN I couldn't get hold of my mum today (who popped round last night) and after sending my dad round to see if she was ok he told me she had the bug. I have since been clamped to the sofa, carefully rocking and trying very hard to listen to my bf calming me down. This post has helped so much though. Because she wasn't showing any symptoms last night and I'm usually more hygienic than most I will DEFINITELY not be getting it - she knows better than to come close to me if she's ill. Bit scared to know that my alcohol gel won't help much though, I religiously carry it with my constantly.

    Not having a good time of Noro this year as in Dec I went back to work after a weekend off to find out that SEVEN people in my shop had come down with it in the week - I could have died. THEN, this Saturday, someone was actually ill in our staff toilet. Seriously - could life get much more tricky for me right now!?

  6. #36

    Re: A message for those scared by Noro

    Thank you for this post I have heard about it on the news and it just brings all the horrible thoughts...but it's just the media making it out to be a big deal like they do with everything.

    And for those who work in offices or other places you may not always be able to wash your hands (like if you eat at a desk or are out shopping etc) then Boots do an antiviral foam. I work in a food testing lab so everyone has to wash their hands when leaving and entering so it's great But I like to carry one around in my bag when I can't wash my hands before eating. I also don't bite my nails!!

  7. #37

    Re: A message for those scared by Noro

    Quote Originally Posted by Tessar View Post
    Hmmmn, it's not a pandemic. I think I'll ban that word now. Replace it with 'outbreak'. It happens. Soon it'll be summer (hopefully) and we can all be happy. I am an emet myself, McHovis, have you read the info at the beginning of this thread? It's really good. You need to read it over & over so that you can replace the more negative things you might see in the press with some good old plain facts. I recite some of the post from iced_diamond to myself daily. Try it, It's very reassuring.
    Yes i suppose i should do so. I wasn't sure of the correct term so 'pandemic' was usely used :P

    Thanks again

    Joe x
    At times your thoughts may be your worst enemy

  8. #38

    Re: A message for those scared by Noro

    That was a really good post. Reading it allows me to cope a lot better. I've been reading and researching a great deal about this virus and what you can do to prevent catching it. The post is exactly right. Good hand hygiene is the way forward. I also use Purell vf481, clinically proven to reduce the virus by 99.99% it works VERY WELL. Google it and look at the tests conducted. No hype just good solid science and testing. I've done some sums and 98% of the population will not get the virus based on the HPA web site figures. Swine Flu peak saw 44% of the population have it (according to HPA figures) so the Noro outbreak sits at 1.8%. Those are good odds not to get it, plus we're all so diligent with our personal hygiene, thus increasing our odds of not getting it. I also use a spray bleach around the house on all surfaces and handles, this puts the odds up again!! I know exactly what you are all going through but remain positive. Do all you need to do to give piece of mind and as the post says, live and enjoy life. Have faith!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: A message for those scared by Noro

    That's good news London Lad ... and the 98% sounds even better! Have not heard of the Purell vf481 before .. will check it out. Is it just me, or does it seem to be on the decline? (or have they now found more to report about now that everyone's back at work / school? ) Yep .. our motto should be 'Live and enjoy life' to all!

  10. #40

    Re: A message for those scared by Noro

    my kids are returning to school/nursery tomorrow and I'm a bag of nerves. it says on the news that 1 in 5 people in Scotland have had/will get Boro virus. starting to go into meltdown over this dreaded bug. sooooooo tempted to keep them home where I know they are safe, but my partner would go nuts if I did. read on Facebook that a friend had the bug Saturday night, yet still went into work on Sunday. he works in a toy store so dread to think of the amount of people he has infected. it really drives me mad when people are so inconsiderate. WISH IT WOULD ALL JUST GO AWAY!

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