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Thread: Big doubts about Prozac

  1. #1

    Big doubts about Prozac


    I have normally a mild anxiety problem which flared up a couple of weeks ago leading to suicidal thoughts (dont think I would have acted on them) and a tearful episode (luckily at home) which is quite out of character for me.

    Had a few days of work and went to see my GP, who prescribed Oxazempam (tranquillizers). They didnt have much effect apart from zonking me out a bit for an hour when I took one, and I still felt anxious when I went back a week later so he put me on 20mg Prozac.

    Since then , sleep even worse (it had been bad for a couple of weeks), hot and cold flushes and energy levels up and down. A bit too drowsy sometimes and I need to be able to drive. Have only been taking them 5 days.

    I am beginning to think "Do I really want this stuff in my life? How many years will I be taking this?". I would also be lying if I didnt admit to being unhappy about not being able to drink (somewhat finishes off my limited social life).

    I think the doc was a bit too ready to put me on antidepressants. My mum is still on Seroxat after years and I dont want to be still taking prozac when my 10 month old son goes to school.

    If I go to doc, he will just say "carry on, side effects wont last etc etc" but as I have only been on them 5 days am thinking about just stopping taking them. A bit silly I know but they arent really helping much.

    Any thoughts welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Big doubts about Prozac

    This sort of medication can take weeks to get into your system fully. 5 days is way too early to tell whether they're working or not, I'm afraid. The worst of the side effects should stop after a few days. If you feel you need to take time off work to get over the side effects, don't be afraid to ask for a doctor's note.

    If you had suicidal thoughts, I'd say you probably do need the medication, although obviously I haven't seen you in person like your doctor has and I don't know your history. You won't necessarily be taking them for years - many people recover enough after a few months to be able to come off them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Big doubts about Prozac

    Im with Sparkle 5 days is not enough time for them to work....i felt awful on them until about day 12 n then i started to see some improvement. They are a pain for interfering with sleep...i only slept 2 hours a night first week on them. I sleep slightly better now and am on day 19. Also stopping them abruptly is not a good idea you will prob get withdrawal effects. I wouldnt project to far into the future re how long you are gonna be on them, like Sparkle said people come off them when they feel well enough, however at the minute it sounds like you should stick with it as you may need them. I made the mistake of leaving it a long time before i went to the drs and got myself into a right mess and am now off work trying to pick myself up.
    The suicidal thoughts could of been the result of severe anxiety...ive had them myself when highly anxious but each person is different. Ultimately only you can decide though x x

  4. #4

    Re: Big doubts about Prozac

    Thanks for the kind replies. Now on day 11 and feeling a lot better. Sleep still not great but hey, it wasnt before the Prozac either. Feel crap in small hours and when I get up but generally during the day feeling much better. Wonder how long I'll need the Prozac for.....

    started reading "Overcoming Worry" as well which is a help.

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