
I acknowledge that in your profession you most probably have a better insight than many on here but I think one has to weigh up every single case differently.
30 years ago I was put on mogodon which was for various rasons,bereavement,divorce and other things. my doctor just kept giving me mogodon and ativan on a repeat prescription for 3 years instead of a maximum 3 months. We are now wise to the effect these group of drugs could do and when I eventually came off them, I suffered "cold turkey" in the most horrendous way in my life.
I have had period since then taking nearly ever single SSRI anti depressant and depending on circumstances they have helped but only taking the edge off my GAD and OCD and as I have got older no help at all.
I take Diazapam and propranol at a monitored dose from my GP for the last 6 years never increased the dose and it helps me more than any other drug I have ever taken.
I am not argueing the rights or wrong but I may suffer withdrawal symptoms if I ever come off them,but I am prepared to take the risk.