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Thread: Lack of motivation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Lack of motivation

    I used to be really self motivated and would get on and do any task but now the thought of doing anything outside of my usual routine, just sends me into a panic! Does anyone else feel like this? Even going out for a walk...I wonder can I do it? I went for a walk today but didn't get as far as my usual walk. I am suffering with a cold at the moment and I think maybe that is making me even less motivated. I used to be able to spend a day baking but now struggle to just get motivated to make a cake from a packet mix!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Lack of motivation

    Annie, don't forget you have had to make some life changing decisions this past week or so after initially deciding to go back to work. This will no doubt have taken it's toll on you, even if you have made the right decision.

    After a 14 year career in a safe and comfortable environment I would say there must be an element of worry and mourning to go through. You are a strong lady and have come so far. I am sure this is just a time of adjustment for you and will pass.

    I wish you all the best and hope your plans for the future work out for you x
    "Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Lack of motivation

    I feel the same.
    Used to go on long bike rides etc etc. now I'm so out of breath just walking around the block as my fitness regime gave up with my anxiety.
    I hope you feel better soon. Theirs got to be a light somewhere x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Lack of motivation

    Quote Originally Posted by kittikat View Post
    Annie, don't forget you have had to make some life changing decisions this past week or so after initially deciding to go back to work. This will no doubt have taken it's toll on you, even if you have made the right decision.

    After a 14 year career in a safe and comfortable environment I would say there must be an element of worry and mourning to go through. You are a strong lady and have come so far. I am sure this is just a time of adjustment for you and will pass.

    I wish you all the best and hope your plans for the future work out for you x
    Kittikat you are right, it has been a difficult week for me. I know I have made the right decision even though I know there are some aspects from the job I will miss. It has also been a stressful week having to sort legal forms etc to do with termination of my employment. Sometimes I think I just want to run before I can walk (I guess this can be taken literally for me since I am still struggling with the foot I fractured!). Thank you kittikat

    ---------- Post added at 12:34 ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    I feel the same.
    Used to go on long bike rides etc etc. now I'm so out of breath just walking around the block as my fitness regime gave up with my anxiety.
    I hope you feel better soon. Theirs got to be a light somewhere x
    Thank you Emma...there is always light at the end of a tunnel and we will get there

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Lack of motivation

    I am the same, use to bake, use to go walks. Takes me ten minutes to put my walking shoes on. Have not done any reading for such a long while.
    My GP wants me to go back to the gym-- but at the moment it's just getting motivated. Perhaps the weather has something to do with it.
    Hope you get everything sorted soon then perhaps you will be improved,and
    everyone else, including me

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Lack of motivation

    Ahhh Annie, hope your cold goes, it might be the combined energy you've cungered up regarding work recently, it's cold outside .... Again and your under the weather with a cold , also!

    I'm like this.... if I want a day at home with the kids and planned a DVD day & baking & my hubby says let's go out, all of a sudden, THAT'S it a turn into a monster! I love taking the kids out at the week end and even if it's just to the shops , or park but anything - out of the blue I can't stand! I like order and the motivation sometimes just to get dressed, is a struggle. Sometimes I could just sit in the same place infront of the fire from morning to night and honestly it wouldn't bother me. I suppose having the kids spurs me on..... That must be where my motivation comes from, otherwise I'd melt into the sofa.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Lack of motivation

    I think you are right that the weather has something to do with it (as I sit watching more snow coming down!).Maybe I will try to walk a little further tomorrow, its so hard when you want to do it but just can't seem to get the energy

    ---------- Post added at 14:36 ---------- Previous post was at 14:33 ----------

    Col I know what you mean but then I have always said I would like to hibernate in winter so maybe it is the time of the year. Hopefully we will have better weather soon.

  8. #8

    Re: Lack of motivation


    I'm sure your motivation will return once you've recovered from your physical ailments and the emotional upheaval of leaving work. Like you, when I finally left work after many years, I felt an enormous wave of relief at no longer having to make the daily effort to get to work, stay there and try to do a good job whilst battling my anxiety all day. I couldn't understand why I was so tired once I'd left! But I think it's the same thing as at the end of a day doing something we dreaded -we feel exhausted when the anxiety's actually over - and then multiplied! I'm not surprised you haven't the energy to walk a long way. Also I expect you've got a little background anxiety about what to do next - my only advice is to take your time and put absolutely no pressure on yourself. Rest up, sleep as much as you can and indulge yourself if you can. Recovery takes as long as it needs to and motivation will surely follow.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Lack of motivation

    Thank you Clarrie. I have to keep reminding myself too that I am still recovering from my physical injuries after my accident last June and only being able to sit and do nothing for a few months has added to the exhausted feeling. x

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: Lack of motivation

    Sounds like me. It's not very nice to feel like that is it Annie? I find that I'll get myself off to work and if I can get stuck into something as soon as I get there my day goes better. If for some reason I am feeling reluctant to get stuck in, that can stay with me all day. Then when I go home, I feel the same. I want to vegetate in the chair and do nothing.
    Like you, even things I like (such as going for a walk) become a really hard thing to do. I'm like it most weekends too.
    But I know I am dealing with a lot of difficult stuff. My counsellor tells me I'm not lazy and not to be hard on myself.
    Same goes for you too Annie. Please Don't be too hard on yourself. You have so much going on that feeling like this is probably a natural reaction. After all, last week was full of big decisions and maybe you are on a downer after that. Plus you aren't well as you say.
    It happens my friend ..... What you need is to be kind to yourself. You are so kind to everyone else here and putting time, energy & effort into helping them with their problems. Even this drains your resources. Here are some of my army of friendly smilies all of whom would like to come and help make u feel better.......

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