Sorry I've not been updating the diary folks but just to give an update after increasing from 22.5mg to 30mg of which just over a week my symptoms of anxiety have not yet improved as I my shortness of breath is worse and I feel very low mood and feeling negative towards everything and very quiet and very distant. And definately not my normal self which is lurking beneath where when I have my good days is very happy, ultra confident and I only very rarely have these good days where my true self comes out. Hence the reason I'm on the meds as I miss my old self.
I hope I start to feel better soon and going to see my doctor on Monday maybe up my dose to the max 45mg.
I am quite thin and a side effect I'm having at the moment is I'm eating more but tend to get cravings for sweet stuff especially chocolate and crisps etc. so putting on weight won't be a bad thing but I'm trying to minimise the junk food,.
Another plus side is my tablet at bed time knocks me out an hour after having it and I tend to have a good deep sleep albeit with vivid dreams.
I am back to work off my week off and getting up with no problems on the alarm but feel a bit tired and energy less throughout the day.
But really feel down lately so don't know where to turn or what to do : (
Sorry it's not positive but being honest on how I feel and hope things improve.

---------- Post added at 21:23 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------

Oh I forgot to add,. Another side effect I seem to be having is blood rushing to my cheeks and flushes. Along with shortness of breath