Years ago I was unaware of bowel cancer, years ago I did not google symptoms. The only thing I did was the odd reminder how to do self testicle exams.

Even though I been told by the doctors I have IBS (do I believe them) unsure maybe I should trust doctors more than going back to visit the old enemy of Dr Google who gets things nearly always wrong.

We don't have any family history, my Dad had to do his poo sample last year because he reach the age for testing. I got told off by mum where I was reading the information sheet which came with it.

The thought of bowel cancer does still worry me, checking how my stools look. can I see any blood, worried about my abdominal pains (maybe down to what I eat and drink) a little bit too much soda and sweets.

I did push for an ultrasound to reassurance me, even though it took three doctors to referal me, a blood test (no idea what there were testing for), rectal exam and abdominal felt when I been to the doctors over the last few times.

Even though I have not had MRI scans for a long time, CT scan, being put forward for a possible colonscopy etc done I am still a bit a nervous wreak.