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Thread: arguements :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    arguements :(

    hi all,

    today hasnt been the best day for me, altho its been lovely and hot, it hasnt been a great day altogeva.

    i got up this mornin, in hope i was goin into my local town with my mum to get sum new shoes for school, and i was lookin forward to it, like u do wen ure gettin sumthin new for ureself, well, i forgot to put sum clothes in the wash, so i dint ave nethin to wear, so i asked my sister weva i cud wear this shirt of hers and like big sisters do, she sed no! so i called her a moron and slamed my bedroom door shut, then i sed to my mum tht im not goin up the town cos i aint got nethin to wear and keely wudnt let me wear ne of her stuff (keely = sister) neway, she got the hump and my dad smoothed things ova wiv me and my sis and my sis let me wear her shirt, but then my mum stressed out at him for no reason. she was all like '' they shudnt ave been arguin in the first place, and i aint been out since last week and io was actually lookin forward to this'' shes always moanin and my dad got the hump wiv her, cos everythin was alrite and then she stressed out, so my dad swore and sed sumthin nasty wen he went out the door to go to work.

    about 10 minutes later me and my sis went to say sorry to my mum for spoilin her day, but my mum lashed out and sed tht my dad had blamed her wen he blatantly didnt! so i stormed up to my room, cos i dint ned to here things tht werent even true, then suddenly wen i came downstairs (normally i ignore her) she stressed at me agen, my sis had gone out by then, and then she was all nice and apologetic , so i was actin like i dont care, cos she shudnt have stressed at ne of us, me and my sis had sed sorry and my dad smoothed it out wiv us b4 she had made things worse.

    all my olds seem to do lately is argue, they argued yesterday just cos my dad wanted to cut the grass, i mean how selfish is tht, my mum not lettin my dad cut the grass, cos she likes the way it looks....he neva gets a say in nethin.....the decoratin, dinner, presents, nethin, wot day we're goin out, its like my mum finks everythin has to evolve around her. i no this is so silly to write down, but its just gettin my worked up, my mum wont let ne1 b happy these days, and i no married ppl arue but not about every silly little fing!

    erm....well thts it, i just needed to express myself sumwhere, i nearly shouted at my mum, but she wud of cried and i cant deal wiv her runnin to my dad, then him gettin the hump wiv me, cos ill no hell do wot she wants.

    hugs to u all, (give 1 back tho, cos i need 1....and a smile if ne of u ave 1 handy xxxxx rach xxxxx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi rach,sorry to see your so miffed at the mo,but its quite normal,for us oldies to argue,but it doesnt mean we dont love each other...its not easy being a parent sometimes,and we do get a bit stressed,and usually take it out on the ones,we love the most.

    big hug

    from an oldie....bryan.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Oh poor Rach

    You are having a bad time aren't you?

    My mum and dad used to argue all the time and his dinner once got thrown across the room. Now this is not like my mum atall but she had had enough of him being late for dinner.

    Don't let it upset you ok? Give your dad a hug and tell him you love him - it will make his day.

    You are too young to take on the pressure that your parents are under so try and leave them to it and you take time for yourself.

    Big hug to you



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    , , .
    hey rach,,,hi i do hope you are ok,hey hhhmmm please do try and chill we are all here for you rach ok,,and anytime you wanna hear a joke to cheer you up let me know ok,,hey by the way what did you make of my oic???cheers rach chin up ok,,xxxx darren xxxx


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Rach,
    Sorry to hear that things aren't going too well at home.Hey-what can I say? No family is perfect and arguments do unfortunately happen. Chin up and try to stay positive.
    Take care.
    Sarah (seh1980)

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