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Thread: slightly high raised white blood cells

  1. #1

    slightly high raised white blood cells

    i got the doctor to take my blood texts for my anxiety and panic to make sure it wasnt my thyroid ..... they taken blood for my kidneys and lungs ect rang today and all came back fine.... apart now i have slightly raised white blood cells which is scareing me as i feel fine and dont feel like i have affection ..... i smoke i get a bit stressed and im only 19 ???? some one help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: slightly high raised white blood cells

    There are any number of reasons for this including stress.

    Do they want to do anything about yours?

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  3. #3

    Re: slightly high raised white blood cells

    it scares me as im only 19 and then i was worried for a heart problem and that came to be an ectopic heart beat i get more worried because im happy in life and im moveing to my first flat soon i get stressed over little stupid things i also have massive panic attacks about once a month and then little ones days after i also smoke im not over weight they says to ring them back tomorrow to find out whats causing it but i no i will feel funny all day now as i dont no whats wrong right now my face and skins hot

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: slightly high raised white blood cells

    I had this recently on 3 separate blood tests, each one month apart. I also felt quite well in myself and hadn't been ill. My GP said it can definitely happen when you are stressed or anxious. On the 4th blood test, all was back to normal. Try not to worry about it too much, you could be fighting a very mild infection, coming down with one or it could simply be the stress and anxiety. I am sure your GP will explain all this tomorrow. Take care. Kitti
    "Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn"

  5. #5

    Re: slightly high raised white blood cells

    thanks very much for letting me know will tell yous what happens tomorrow

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: slightly high raised white blood cells

    My daughter had the same thing and the doctor told her that they do fluctuate quite a bit. She is fine.

  7. #7

    Re: slightly high raised white blood cells

    with me being all worried about everything i just think a lot and i should be happy but today i fell like rubbish and really tired and very angry for no reason :(

    ---------- Post added at 20:50 ---------- Previous post was at 20:41 ----------

    and also my foot tingles all the time lasting a while its not pins and needles it more of a tingle this can be when i walk lie down anything

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: slightly high raised white blood cells

    I had this too. Doc said nothing to worry about, but I had to go and get blood checked every month for 5 months before blood count went back to normal.
    I still dont know what caused it. If the doc said not to worry, then try not to.

  9. #9

    Re: slightly high raised white blood cells

    thanks for letting me no i feel funny now im sooo hot and then freezing im not in full blown mode iv been out cleaing for like 7 hours got up early 9.30 and finished at 6 as im moveing to a first new home! i want to be really happy sometimes i am but everytime im there i freak out its quite far from where i live and iv never moved before ? i panic over little things such as incase im alone with my child and something happens to me and she will be left alone and no one will find out for days! i think negative before the goods! i also think about if i panic and im so far away from my mums! just silly stuff :( also can some one help ? when im tired i think i get more anxiety and panicky ?...... but i cannit relax as it wont let me when i feel funny i go so hot to freezing then my body will shake then do it again ...... when im not in full blown mode ? (maybe because iv taken my beta blockers) only 10mg they help alot so anyways im tired hot cold shakey so tired but wide awake and alert ...little headaches at front i always get clammy hands but i dont no if its because im tired are anxious but my nose always runs ? ?????????

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