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Thread: Fluoxetine 20mg Stopped Working After 8 Days

  1. #1

    Fluoxetine 20mg Stopped Working After 8 Days


    I am new to this site and this is my first post. I was prescribed Fluoxetine 20mg by my doctor for depression and anxiety 16 days ago.

    The doc told me to be patient because the med would take a few weeks to start working. That said, I started noticing a real difference in my mood and energy levels after just 1 day and felt really good about the future, my mood was calm, I could concentrate better, I was generally feeling a lot more positive and I felt what I can only describe as a warm loving feeling overall. I felt so much better so quickly that I started inviting myself to social gatherings after just 3 days and I really thought that I would now be able to manage my low mood and anxiety.

    I was sleeping less, my sex drive had vanished and my appetite decreased significantly but this was fine as I was feeling so much better.

    The problem is that this initial period only lasted about 8 days and now it feels as if things are slowly going back to how they were (panic, low energy, anxiety, butterflies). Im concerned because i think that i have built up a tolerance very quickly to this medication and that it now wont work. I am still taking the med and will continue to do so.

    Can anyone out there relate to what is happening to me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Fluoxetine 20mg Stopped Working After 8 Days

    I'm sorry Solaris, I can't relate to what you describe but I would recommend you keep on with the fluox. Most people feel worse before better judging by the posts on here so I'm sure you will see some improvement again soon x x

  3. #3

    Re: Fluoxetine 20mg Stopped Working After 8 Days

    I was okay the first week, started getting side effects the 2nd which was increased anxiety, panic attacks and depression through to the middle of the third week and I have now had two good days! Im on day 21, experienced loads of mood swings, my doc says this is normal and I should see more positive results as the weeks go by because it takes a while to get into yr system. Loads of my workmates have been on fluox, and have all said the takes time but it im hopeful !!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Fluoxetine 20mg Stopped Working After 8 Days

    Hey Solaris,

    I'm a long term user of fluoxetine, and also a fourth year psychology student, so I can give you advice from both a user's perspective and a professional perspective.

    As your doctor told you, fluoxetine is a medication that can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks to start seeing visible effects. That said, most people do have side effects within the first couple of weeks. For some people, like you, the body responds well initially to the medication, somewhat like a euphoric response. The body feels more relaxed, you feel better, you have more energy, etc. But this can go up and down in the first few weeks while your body starts adjusting to the medication. However, like your doctor has mentioned, it can take anywhere from 6-8 for your body to adjust and to settle. Don't worry yourself too much over it. Obviously it is upsetting and worrying when it's made you feel so good so quickly, and then you've gone back to the old anxiety again, but this initial increase in mood is a good indication that you are on the right medication and that as your body does adjust it will go back towards the positive effects you first felt.

    Do speak to your doctor as soon as you can, however. It may be that you do require a higher dose, which is COMPLETELY normal as well. 20mg is not a particularly high dose, so don't be concerned if your doctor does with to increase your dose. I've been as high as 60mg before, and know other who have been on doses as high as 8-mg. Although it is likely that you'll probably only go as high as 40.

    Hope this helped put your mind at ease until you're able to talk to your doctor about it! Best of luck!
    - A.

  5. #5

    Re: Fluoxetine 20mg Stopped Working After 8 Days

    Hi, Solaris, the same thing happened to me but took a little longer. For the first two weeks, I was feeling pretty good then on week 3, it felt like everything just came crashing down. On week 6, my GP put my dose up from 20mg to 40mg and on week 9, it felt like everything came crashing down again. So for some reason, it seems to be around the 3 week mark for me that the worst of the side effects hit. Yesterday I was feeling like giving up altogether, but today, I've just experienced a really nice, happy and calm couple of hours.
    8 days is really soon to tell what will happen. It can take up to 3 months for your body to really adjust to all the changes the medication causes. I think what's happened to you is completely normal and nothing to worry about, but if it would put your mind at rest to speak to your GP, then by all means do that. Take care.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Fluoxetine 20mg Stopped Working After 8 Days

    Hi, I'm not taking fluoxetine but have just started on Cit. Today is day 6. I know its not exactly the same but as SSRI's all respond in a similar way I was intrigued to read your post. This has been exactly the same as my experience this time around. The feeling of calm and feeling positive about the future. As you say, I did have some mild side effects. Mine were mainly loss of appetite/nausea, headaches and jaw/muscle clenching. However, given the overall feeling of calm and actually wanting to make plans and take part in life again these were not a major issue. I was bemused, to say the least, I kept cant be working already, its too soon.

    However, since yesterday afternoon i've been feeling increasingly anxious with a low mood. I'm still coping but its not letting up. Looks like i'm going to get the worst of the SE's during week 2.

    Just to reassure you further, my GP said same as amieekid that my initial response was a sign that I was on the right medication. So i'm trying to hang on to that thought and ride out the storm. I know its disconcerting having experienced initially good results but i'm sure the positive moments will increase over the course of the next few weeks, so try to hang in there if you can. x

  7. #7

    Re: Fluoxetine 20mg Stopped Working After 8 Days

    Thanks for all you responses so far I have found them helpful.........

    Ok, so im coming up to the end of my 5th week on 20mg Fluoxetine which I am taking between 8-9am every morning.

    I have been through some uncomfortable side effects up to now, the main one being heightened physical anxiety symptoms in week 3 & 4. These have subsided now and i think im tolerating the drug quite well.

    I know it is working and making a difference because my low moods are not as low anymore and i can control my irritability and negative thinking better, I dont get angry or upset as easily as i did and my patience has improved some. These changes are not as much as id like them to be, but there is a marked difference from before.

    There is one down side so far though, I am becoming more tired and drowsy during the day since the start of week 4. My energy levels seem to have dropped and i am now I sleep a couple of hours in the afternoon. I try to fight it but sometimes i find myself drowsing off mid afternoon for 1 or 2 hours.

    I hope this is just a temporary side effect and will also disappear but im confused because the doc told me that Fluoxetine will raise my energy levels. Which makes me wonder if im on the right medication overall.

    Yet on the other hand im thinking should i raise the dosage to 30 or 40mg and see if that helps get me to a better therapeutic dose.

    Can anyone relate to this or offer any advice?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Fluoxetine 20mg Stopped Working After 8 Days

    The pattern you are describing sounds exactly like mine, I've been on the fluox 21 weeks now, but earlier on I used to fall asleep for 2 hours in the pm like you. Try not to worry about it, it will pass. I'm still on 20mgs so I wouldn't think you need to increase just yet if at all. It sounds like everything is levelling out gradually, hang in there x x

  9. #9

    Re: Fluoxetine 20mg Stopped Working After 8 Days

    I was exactely the same in week 4, could not keep my eyes open. Im in week 6 now and I feel soooo much better, I have one more week off work then im going back! Yes it does go x

  10. #10

    Re: Fluoxetine 20mg Stopped Working After 8 Days

    Solaris, Im in the same boat. I felt great from days 5-12.....then everything stopped working. Im on day 40 tomorrow. Did you have any luck?

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