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Thread: so worried about my peak flow

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    so worried about my peak flow

    I am having a nasty sinus infection with lots of congestion and phlegm. The stuff ends up in my throat and it makes me feel there is somethign there and that it's tight and i can't breathe right. The throat makes me cough, which sounds horrible. I went to the doctors and they just gave me steroid nasal spray and gave me antibiotics. I have these sinus problems often and last year they gave me peak flow to take for a few weeks to make me see that it's nothing to do with my breathing. I was blowing 400-430 all the time, maybe 450 a few times but i can never repeat that again after i get it. I kept the peak flow since than to make myself see when i get panicky that i am actually breathing. When i started feeling like this now i took it out and i could only blow to 400, and that is if i really try my hardest, mostly 380 or something, and I am really panicking. I told the doctor and he was like oh i don't think that is anything. But I am obsessed with blowing now. My nose is blocked and the stuff are in my throat and on top of that i am bloated (PMS ) but i keep trying to blow at least 400 until my head starts spinning...
    I read some post on the internet saying oh you should have at least 460, 500 and if you have under 350 you should rest and go to the doctor or whatever, but under 400 is not good as well. So I got really worried. Maybe something is wrong with me.
    I have a terrible panic about breathing, I had really bad breathing symptoms before but my tests were always ok even when i felt the worse. Maybe it is normal for these things to go down a bit when you got a cold, but that doesn't help me now because it was fine before. I even found some scientific paper saying that they found in healthy people with acute rhinitis or sinusitis that their lung function and pea flow were temporarily reduced compare to after the infection.
    I don't know what to think anymore...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: so worried about my peak flow

    Stop doing it, you are not meant to keep repeating it as your flow will get lower every time, when I smoked mine was low but since stopping its been good, but mine does go down when I panic, think its because we over breath and then cant get enough air in properly to blow it out LOL you are poorly and will have a lower peak flow.
    Also how tall are and how old?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: so worried about my peak flow


    i'm 164cm and 33. How low was yours?

    My son got hold of it and broke it! I can't believe it. At least i would still convince myself i am breathing when i get panicky that i am tight even though it's lower, now i have to find a different way.

    My chest muscles were hurting me from blowing...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: so worried about my peak flow

    your top PF for a healthy calm female LOL should be from 380 to 430, you are poorly and far from calm so I would say you are doing well if you can blow 450 that's bloody good for your age and height, forget the ones after, you only get one shot at it LOL your son did the right thing, gets some hot water and a towel and put your head over it and inhale the stem, some salt in it will help but be careful and don't burn yourself, that will ease the congestion and help loosen it all off x

    Just had to add that I am not suprised you were dizzy you are blowing all the oxygen out LOL

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: so worried about my peak flow

    I am feeling really depressed and scared this morning, and desperate to feel i can breathe free again.

    How long is this going to last!! I feel like all the phlegm is logged somewhere around my voicebox and i would give anything to have my peak flow meter now and prove myself i can actually breathe because the inside all the way deep down my throat feels ike it's got stuff all layered on and when i cough i cough to try and get it out but it feels like it can't touch it...I blow stuff out of y sinuses and get a bit of releif but this thing, i don't know what to do about it or when it's gonna go. I tried rubbing vick rub, i do some inhalations, suck lozenges, drink lemon and honey, do salty water rinses.

    I feel like i can't do anything at the moment, i have a little boy and so many times I have to raise my voice but i just give up cause it's hard, i have not taken him to the park cause i am scared of this and cause i can't yell after him or run after him, and i know i would need to do that. I need a good cry, there are a few other things inside troubling me, but i have to swallow them cause that would also make this all worse. So can't even get release... Just feel hopeless right now...

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